Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Story of a Tortoise.

The Story of a Tortoise.
Long ago in a remote Indian village there lived a poor couple. The man went out in search of a hunt every day. As he was not an expert in hunting swift legged animals, he chose to hunt slow moving animals. For that day he narrowed down to the tortoise, which carries  her house on her head. After a day's search he came across a deep well and a tortoise showing her hard shell. The peasant's happiness knew no bounds.He planned for its catch and he was successful in his efforts after an hour. The hooked tortoise, though in sheer pain enjoyed the lift in air as it was the first time it came out of its home. 

Seconds later it landed inside the bag of the peasant. As the  day  was successful he returned to his home in a hurry on his bicycle. The tortoise was hanging on the handlebar and it was very happy as it can feel the movement without any effort. The tortoise pitied her friends as they were deep inside a cold well and never came out to see the big world. 

Reaching his hut the peasant told his wife about the prized catch and asked her to prepare a delicious dish out it. The woman took a big pot  and poured some water into it. Then she took the tortoise and put it inside the pot.  The tortoise was very happy in her new home as it was too small and not tiring to swim around. As there were no rivals or competitors she can consume all the foodstuff available in the new home. Also she can eat small fish and a big variety of other creatures too.

The kind wife then brought the pot and put it on the fireplace.  She lit the fire to the firewood and the tortoise inside the new cute house was jumping in joy.Moments later a little bit heat was felt by the tortoise and the happiness  increased multifold. As time passed by the water got heated up further and the tortoise felt as if she were in heaven. The icy cold water had become a history for the lucky tortoise and all her friends were suffering in the shivering  cold water. Time passed. 

An hour later the lady requested her husband to clean the tortoise and give it to her for preparing the food. The dinner for the day was very heavy and satisfying for both. The lady requested her husband for one more the other day.

  Don't you think that we too are fast  cooking the earth to our taste and comforts .Too much comforts for us directly increases the strain on this fragile earth. It may be an AC machine or a carbon chewing motor bike. Return to the simple Indian ways. The word sadhu or sanayasi is mocked at. Good, Today this lands fights for water. Rise and realise;now or never.  


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