Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Elephants may be big in size but ants are more in number

Scientists estimate that there are over a quadrillion ants living on earth  and only around seven  lakh elephants are there. Not every human has seen an elephant but no human is there who  has not seen an ant. Size doesn't matter. 

To a small man the earth is very big. But s single individual has not made this earth an unlivable place.   Every man since history has been contributing unknowingly to the degradation of the earth's health. Toddy the earth is an ailing planet. We can term her condition is serious and in ICU. Before the patient slips into  coma let us realize and start in a small way in our own way to contain the damage. It may be switching off the street lamps aat 6.a.m. or reminding your neighbours to switch off the lamps burning in their car posche/ rooftops at 6.a.m. Sitting under a tree on a hot afternoon instead of switching n an AC machine. Going to a market with a cloth bag... like simple ways that would have very great impact on the environment.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from diverse sources across the economy. The magnitude of emissions and diversity of sources means that no single technology, policy, or behavioral change will be able to “solve” climate change. Rather, a portfolio of solutions is needed. A wide range of technologies already exist, or are currently under development, to facilitate greenhouse gas emission reductions.

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