Friday, June 21, 2013

Is nature cruel?

Man's nature is to go against 'nature'. Many a time he calls it as 'adventure'. He would like to fly like a bird and swim like a fish. How long and how far this 'un naturalism' would go , none knows. The cloud bursts and the resultant flash floods are an annual ritual now for Uttarakhand and seen in the adjacent states like HP  and  J &K state.  Blame games have begun and in these blind games none is going to win but all will lose.  When millions of cusecs of  waters  come gushing down on sloppy areas at an altitude of 3000m and above, man's capabilities to with stand get limited.

Some lessons from this tragedy.

* Gods are everywhere and hide not your urge to explore and tour distant and high lands in the name of spiritualism
* Development should not be seen in cement and steel but  the quality of life you lead (Bhutan king measures it in happiness index)

The annual monsoon rains sustain India's agriculture but also cause flooding that routinely claims lives and damages property.

 Presence of an effective communication dissemination system would have lessened the magnitude of the disaster caused in Uttarakhand.  The Meteorological Centre, Dehradun had alerted various departments of the state government about the possibility of heavy rains and landslides in the state, 48 hours prior to the intervening night of June 16 and 17 that brought widespread damage. However, it now emerges the alert failed to percolate down to the masses at large, worsening the magnitude of the damage, especially in the Char Dham Yatra route.

Uttarakhand faced the worst hit of rains from the night of June 16 and major damages were caused on June 17 in the hills. The Met Center had issued alerts to various governmental departments two days in advance. Sharma said that establishing an all-weather communication system was the need of the hour. Currently, only three community radios are reportedly functional in Uttarakhand.
"Setting up of a large number of community FM radios can avert such a disaster in future. Also, distribution of low-cost and low-maintenance technologies like tone alert hand-winding radios especially in the rural areas, will ensure that weather alerts reach to the public in time, averting such disasters," he concluded.  

    Let our channels telecast cinema, cricket and politics and not disseminate any useful information such as weather warnings...

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