Saturday, June 1, 2013

Growing Population- a Boon?

The state of Tamilnadu's population has grown by 97.4 lakh persons, between 2001-2011, which is almost the population of Hungary (9,906,000) and  Sweden (9,573,466).

The combined  population of India ( 1,210,569,573), Pakistan (183,263,000) and Bangladesh (152,518,015) far exceeds China's (1,354,040,000). If you add the neighbouring Indonesia (237,641,326)  about 3 billion and more are occupying this earth (just 5 nations). These 5 most populous nations consist about  42% of the earth's population. Should there not be   a plan to check its monstrous growth?  Out of 242 nations these  are the dangerous 5 for the survival of the earth as they consume earth's 50 % of food produced. If the West pollutes through its industries the East contributes through its population. It is a pity that the planners in these countries (except china) never thought of small family norms. Even well known leaders in India (who have to guide and be a model to people) have more than 5 children. They can  announce/ frame laws to restrict each family to a maximum of 5 children  at least from  the year 3000 AD.

At present there is no hope. Let us hope it happens in future.

Save the  earth from the population explosion.   


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