Saturday, June 22, 2013

Nurture NATURE for our Future

Giraffe in the free nature. - Africa

" To  her fair works did Nature link              
       The human soul that through me ran;              
       And much it grieved my heart to think              
What man has made of man."         
                                               -Visionary Poet William Wordsworth         

Centuries back William Wordsworth lamented that man has disassociated himself from Nature and the other fellow creatures and is hence responsible for his miserable plight. The poet is not to be seen as an admirer of Nature but a worshipper who believes that Nature has a soul that is living and there is a link between the soul of Nature and that of all other living beings. But, unfortunately man has failed to see the link and has been
indulging in misdeeds that affect this vital link. 
Hence care for this Earth is in the air for quite sometime. But the 'machine led man' is misled and has made this planet a  'material dust bowl'. Greed is seen in his every deed and there is no end indeed. Let every one of us put just one step ahead and let it be for caring this Nature. Let the effort may be small but it should be by all.

Blue-Banded Morpho Butterfly Top

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