Saturday, August 30, 2014


Image result for COCONUT SHELLS                     Image result for white gourd vegetable                            Image result for banana stems
Tips for WOW.
The uses of empty Pepsi/Coke bottles
1.  To make compounds around the school, gardens, benches in gardens, foot ball courts and in any open area where seating arrangement is required can be made/fence/compounds are to be erected.
·        Fill the bottles with any type of sand to strengthen the material. Close the lid. And use them as we use bricks in construction.
2. The empty bottles can made into flower vases, bottle holders, art works, flower pots and bird feeder.
3. Make arrangements for source segregation and go for a compost yard in your school
4. We can go for vermicomposting and utilize the manure for your gardens or sell them
5. Bio-gas plants can be erected to meet the needs of the school labs
6.  Old and unused clothes can be brought to the school and long bits can be cut and they are made as small ropes and wound up as door mats. They would be colorful and would be water absorbing.
7. Empty shoe boxes can be brought to school and can be placed in isolated places or on the branches of trees with their tops covered and with openings on one side would be used by birds as nests. The crows may also use them for laying eggs and hatching them
8. Waste paper discarded at home can be collected and put in water and after grinding them the paste can be used for the creation of beautiful dolls or the figures of our liking.
9.  Large China man toys or larger tyrant size figures can be made in combinations of clay, paper, waste plastic and empty bottles.
10. The stumps of large trees can be brought and used as single seaters/dining tables.
11. Disposed glass bottles can be used to create wonderful attractive figures.
12. Empty white gourd  which is ripe can be made into a container to keep powdery things after drying them and.
13. From the banana stems the fibers can be taken out and make door mats/wall hangers
14. Empty coconut shells are strong and ladles and small cups can be made out of them
15. From the hay or the tall grass that grows on water bodies or with the palm or coconut leaves we can make shelters for the watchmen or an outhouse or a garden hut for relaxation
16.  If the landscaping of the garden is slope watering would be easier
17. Children can be encouraged to bring the mango seeds they generate in their homes and they can be sown in the school garden
18.  With the help of the coconut fiber we can make wall hangers which can act as heat blockers during summer as water can be sprinkled on them which would act as shields.
19. Wooden planks we get in the school campus can be used as lids to cover pots or vessels
20. Empty Pepsi bottles can be cut and made as pencil or pen stands with little paint work outside, the pen stand becomes cute
21. Rings of plastic bottles can be cut and colorful threads of wool or cotton decorating outside they become cute bracelets for girls.
22. Gardens in air. The very same bottles are cut to size and earth with organic manure filled in becomes suitable for growing small herbs or decorative plants/grass.
23. Perforate the pepsi bottle with soldering iron and make it attractive. Decorate the upper rim with a colorful tape and use the bottle to store erasers and small knick knacks.
24. Buy the required machinery and bring an unused CD to make an attractive clock. Don’t forget to paint the CD with the color of your choice.
25. With the toilet paper rolls we can make cute pen stands with suitable outer covering and closing one end.
Warning:  All the above require adult supervision.

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