Monday, August 4, 2014

Garbage Collectors are NOT Garbage

The nuclear power India which is now home to a 500 million strong people with buying power consume more and hence dispose more. At least 100 grams polythene and a kilogram of packing materials come out of these neo-rich homes every  day. Mostly dust bins are beyond our windows. But if some luckily bother to drop the garbage in a nearby dumb they ensure the glass, the syringes if any, bottles and as usual the  plastic and all bio degradable things into one pack and throw them down. During the festive seasons the benevolent people would pack in a poly sack all left overs including the burnt and unexploded crackers. The cattle or dogs which are tempted by the food, fruit skins and oil smell would bite them hard to lose their jaws. 

Will it be a big thing to segregate at source? Not at all. They have neither  time nor patience to do this segregation.   I read long back Adam Smith saying that the people who do such jobs which are not much sought after must be paid more. Can't we raise their pay packets high so that they will have enough money to treat the diseases they contract due to our callousness?

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