Saturday, August 30, 2014

Safety of Kids: at Home, Public Places and in Schools

Children are the asset of any nation. They are the future of the humanity. Hence their physical safety is of paramount importance. The increased urbanization has put our kids in a much disadvantageous position. The nuclear family set up, working parents, growing apartment culture and many more present new issues that act as detrimental to kids.
1. Playing with toys that are electrically operated without adult supervision must be avoided
2. Children must not ever play with sharp objects/toys
3. No tricks or games using saris or duppattas or any cloth/clothes covering faces or heads as they may choke breathing resulting in unsavory incidents
4. Even a bucket of water or a pot of hot water turn out to be a death trap for the small kids if they are not supervised.
5. Using immersion rods for heating water where small kids below the age 10 are very risky and dangerous.
6. Electrical points must not be close to the reach of the kids as they may use them with wet hands
7. No child to be allowed to operate gas stoves whatever is the emergency.
8. No child to be allowed to work in the kitchen. Asking them to bring down milk/hot water/ or hot oil as they may drop the containers once the heat reached their hands
9. Bathrooms need not have latches inside as they prove to be dangerous on many an occasions.
10. Parking of cars by adults inside garages require care as small kids may run or be standing nearby which can’t be noticed by the person in the drivers’ seat.
11. Children must never be left alone in a car as the child locking may get jammed. 
12. A two wheeler is for a maximum of two riders and is never to be used to carry large school bags, water bottles, lunch boxes, project charts or exhibits and two or three kids along with the rider.
Dimension-II:  Public Places
The increased urbanization has put our kids in a much disadvantageous position. The motorized roads, ever increasing traffic, commuting to schools, parks, malls or bus stands … everywhere we have to ensure the safety of our kids.
1.  Parallel riding in bicycles on roads must be avoided
2. The habit of carrying multiple bags while cycling/ or riding bikes must be dropped.
3. Riding a car or a bike by any one is dangerous for the rider/passenger/the other road users.
4. Children must avoid puddles of water in rainy days and must be careful for open manholes or live cables snapped due to rains/winds
5. Talking to strangers in person or via social media must be avoided. 
6.  Unclaimed objects must not be touched or handled but can inform the police of such objects
7. Buses, cars, trains are all machines and all of them require time to be stopped in emergencies. It is better to have faith in ourselves than in the ‘breaking system’ of a machine.
8. Water bodies are dangerous for those who are not swimmers and seas/oceans must not be misunderstood for swimming pools. They generate large waves and moving sand which are not there in swimming pools.
9. Running rivers may hide whirlpools and a dry river bed may conceal ‘quick sand’
10. Entering or exiting a moving bus or train is dangerous and hence must be avoided.
Dimension-III:  School Campus
The kids spend their active time mostly in schools. Ensuring their safety in classrooms, labs, play areas, corridors, stairs and in washrooms are very crucial. Discuss with your group members and come out with safety measures.  
1.  No sliding/skidding in the corridors
2. Never run inside the school. Reserve it for the playground.
3. Never stand on your chairs or tables and throw objects up as the ceiling fans may cause havoc
4. Do not handle the electrical switches or the equipments in your classroom in the absence of your teacher.
5. Don’t crowd the washrooms and they are not the places for any discussion.
6. Handle with care. The dividers, the pencils and many more sharp things you use must be put inside boxes immediately after their use.
7. An adolescent child has gained strength and it is not known to him/her. Hence your small pat may be felt as a big hit by your friend. Avoid that.
8. Never twist your friends hands as both of you are not aware of the tolerable limits of the hands.
9. Sports fields too require lot of precautions and strictly listen and follow the instructions given
10. In labs never touch the equipments/chemicals/liquids in the absence of your teacher.

Getting on the school bus
• When the bus arrives, stand at least three giant steps (6 feet) away from the bus.
• If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the Side walk or along the side of the road until you are five giant steps (10 feet) ahead of the bus. Then you can cross the street.
• Be sure the bus driver can see you and you can see the bus driver.
• Never walk behind the bus.
• If you drop something near the bus, tell the bus driver. Never try to pick it up first because the driver may not be able to see you.
Behavior on the bus
• When on the bus, find a seat and sit down. Loud talking or other noise can distract the bus driver and is not allowed.
• Never put head, arms or hands out of the window.
• Keep aisles clear—books or bags are tripping hazards and can block the way in an emergency.
• Before you reach your stop, get ready to leave by getting your books and belongings together.
• At your stop, wait for the bus to stop completely before getting up from your seat, then walk to the front door and exit, using the handrail.
Getting off the school bus
• If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk at least ten feet ahead of the bus along the side of the road until you can turn around see the driver.
• Make sure the bus driver can see you.
• Wait for a signal from the driver before beginning to cross.
• When the driver signals, walk across the road keeping an eye out for sudden traffic changes.
• Do not cross the center line of the road until the driver has signaled that it is safe for you to begin walking.
• Stay away from the wheels of the bus at all times

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