Thursday, August 14, 2014

Throwing Trash on Roads is Rash

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We all of us talk of  work environment, nature of job, promotional avenues, compensation, future prospects and so on when we decide on a career for our life. But how many of us think about the people whose work and work environment are spoiled by us?

The educated and the uneducated are all alike in treating them with contempt  and callousness. I've been watching in every city in India that the public and the shopkeepers alike treat any public space as simple dust bin. They unpack a food item, empty a can of a soft drink or a water bottle or any packing and throw them on the sides of the road. Some of the most gifted and most generous throw the empty tetra packs on the roads and they explode with loud noise on trampled upon  a vehicle. In more cultured states the people who mourn the death of a person  throw the garlands all along the road as a mark of respect or to smooth-en the  path of the last journey of the man on the palanquin. 

But the victim in all these situations are our conservancy workers who have to literally clean the roads every day morning. It is a pity to see them clean and carry mountain loads of garbage with bare hands and load them into the waiting trucks. The work becomes all the more difficult on rainy days. Apart from these I watch in Chennai that these workers are on their job midst a speeding and chaotic traffic.

What will be wrong if all the shopkeepers keep a dust bin before their shops ( if they are kind - a bio-degradable and one more for non- biodegradable) and fill their waste in them? Instead of pushing all waste generated in our shops on the road can we do this favor?

What will be wrong if we all of us do take a little effort and put any waste in their destined places?
I'm not talking about clean India but a simple  request to my fellow country men to do this great favor to our own brothers and sisters who clean up our public places with none of the privileges and expectations mentioned at the beginning of the write up.

Please do  help the people who help us. 

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