Friday, August 29, 2014

Festival of the Elephantine God

Today India celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi. Festival of  The Elephantine God.

This post is just to remind the ancient ways of living we had in India. Man was never away from nature and he was with nature always.

 His Gods and Goddesses live with the jungle animals and birds. The temples they reside abound with trees and plants of varied varieties that aim at conservation. Every temple has a tank/lake - a water body. Here the rivers are worshiped. The earth, the sun, the moon, the oceans, the air, the skies and the total environment was worshiped.  

But today he has started to worship only the money god or credit or debit cards and says there is no god. 
Every newspaper in India ridicules the Indian ways of living. Till the YOGA was recognized by the West, the same media was against it. Even now if some body says Yoga should be taught in schools the news magazines would create ruckus. 

But the same newspapers will be proudly appreciating every culture  that they see around the globe. If an African masks his face and dances, the media in India will celebrate it. But the same is practiced by an Indian in a different manner they have to face ridicule. I don't know how long the media in India will be against India! 

Worshiping is celebration; conservation in a different manner. Respect for other living beings. That's all.  But the scientific community would question how can an elephant or a rat can grant you boons. We need a faith to cross the tumultuous river of life. Let it be a rat or a bat. Life revolves around faith in self, fellow beings and in the environs. In the geographical clock man's life time is just a fraction of a second. None of us can own this earth. Neither the earth can own us as we all have to bite the dust sooner or later. Let the earth survive for the years to come. Earth is not our enemy but a friend of us. Let us not harm our friend. Let us live and celebrate the earth in our own ways. Nothing wrong as long as it doesn't harm the earth. 

A simple thunder or a lightening terrify us. A tsunami  in a century shakes our confidence. The gentle wind if turned violent carries our umbrellas and our cars and homes. But men with arms keep roaming with their roars. The brave men with guns fall every day. We call the killer-the victor and the killed- a martyr for our convenience. Man can never win his war against nature as the loser is not the earth but the  man himself.

Let us bat for conservation, sustainability and survival of all and not for the humans alone.

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