Sunday, April 6, 2014

More than 500 Indian workers have died in Qatar since 2012 :The guardian

India is a democratic nation with  around eight hundred  plus satellite channels and thousands of news magazines, internet publications and hundreds of radio channels. But I read in  The Guardian  that at least  500 Indians  have kicked the bucket to enable the Qatar authorities to quench the football kick of millions of foot ball fans across the world. in 2022. Why didn't none from India talk about this?   The media in India reports an accident that occurred in a distant world for months together.  But refuses to report the death of their country men in hundreds. The reason is obvious. None of them is a celebrity. Let us celebrate the rich and enrich our culture!

"More than 500 Indian migrant workers have died in Qatar since January 2012, revealing for the first time the shocking scale of death toll among those building the infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup.
Official figures confirmed by the Indian embassy in Doha reveal that 237 Indians working in Qatar died in 2012 and 241 in 2013. A further 24 Indians have died in January 2014.
The figures from the Indian embassy show that 233 Indian migrants died in 2010 and 239 in 2011, taking the total over four years to 974. Since the World Cup was awarded to Qatar in December 2010, there have been 717 recorded Indian deaths.
In November, Amnesty warned in a damning report that workers were enduring 12-hour days in sweltering conditions and living in squalid, overcrowded accommodation.
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has warned that up to 4,000 workers may die before a ball is kicked in 2022 without meaningful reform of the kafala system, which ties workers to their employers, and stringent control of the myriad construction companies and subcontractors involved.
Photo and the news - Source: theguardian

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