Sunday, April 27, 2014

Failure of the Humans

A South Korean marine aims his machine gun

Simply the most violent animal on this earth is man. The history of this humanity is scarred by blood. As he wants to continue his legacy, he never ceases to be violent. Billions of dollars are spent in researches for the invention of more lethal weapons. The man who talks of Gods and love leaves not a day without violence. He searches for reasons to fight. At home- domestic violence, in streets- street violence; no end is visible to this madness. If somebody talks of peace or non-violence he also falls to the bullet. (Mahatma Gandhi)

The world over countries small big compete to purchase arms at any cost. The people who have to act do not act or even if they act with no positive results. The largest world body the U.N has clearly failed to contain violence across nations and among peoples. A posting with the U.N is seen a gift from the God to tour around the world. This is not to belittle the sacrifices made by members of many a nations. But the organisation must have stopped the bloodshed. It should have peace ambassadors in hundreds who can convince the minds that long to wage wars. Mostly politicians land in the UN as diplomats. These men have been dividing and ruling the peoples for decades. All of a sudden they can't become noble. Unless the UN acts with more conviction and commitment the world'd  continue to suffer.

Man receives quality education which makes him prepare weapons with more precision. The man who heads a team of 'nuclear bomb makers'  showers love on his kids and wife. But he has no eyes with vision. and most of the wars are fought over protecting  Gods. Man thinks he has to protect his God/s lest his God will cease to exist. Man is the only animal fighting to save his Gods and their abodes  As long as man is going to protect his Gods from his fellow man, this violence will continue. He has to believe that his God/s are more powerful and He can fend himself.

"South Sudan’s government said at least 400 people were killed by rebels allied with former Vice President Riek Machar when they seized the capital of oil-rich Unity state last week.
BAGHDAD — Violence across Iraq in February killed 703 people, a death toll higher than the same period a year before as the country faces a rising wave of militant attacks rivaling the sectarian bloodshed that followed the American-led invasion in 2003, the United Nations said Saturday.

Can you guess who these innocent kids were? Clues at the end of the page.


Indian election: Kashmir violence leaves three dead

Nine killed as poll violence hits restive Indian regions

Maoists kill 12 in poll related violence in Chattisgarh India 

At Least 23 People Killed In Deadly Bombing At Pakistan Market

Hitler’s ‘Grandson’ Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Double Murders

1. Adolf Hitler
2. Osama bin Laden

Photo Courtesy:,8599,1932318,00.html

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