Thursday, April 24, 2014

Future Food for the World?


 Everything a  Fact here . No Fiction.

The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus, also known as jack tree, jak fruit, or sometimes simply jack or jak) is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of the mulberry family (Moraceae). It is native to parts of South and Southeast Asia, and is believed to have originated in the southwestern rain forests of India, in present-day Kerala, coastal Karnataka and Maharashtra. The jackfruit tree is well suited to tropical lowlands, and its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 80 pounds (36 kg) in weight, 36 inches (90 cm) in length, and 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter. 

The jackfruit tree is a widely cultivated and popular food item in tropical regions of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia,Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Jack fruit is also found across Africa (e.g., in Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania,Madagascar, and Mauritius), as well as throughout Brazil and in Caribbean nations such as Jamaica. Jack fruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh.

Every day the acreage of  cultivable area across the world is shrinking. Today the greedy, build  apartments that reach the stars. Millions of kilowatt of power is spent to give comforts to the walls as  most of the buyers of  flats at the world's tallest building  are not first time buyers. They pay a maintenance fee of 4000 U.S. dollars per month. All for a 'sea view'.

O.K. Let us view something else. It is known that the staple food of the world is the wheat and rice. But when there is no water for cultivation, no men to do  labor, no remunerative price for the produce, no respect for the farmers , ever increasing price of the fertilizers and pesticides, vagaries of nature and so many more hurdles dissuade the farmers to continue with agriculture.

If you are good in money making it is so easy in our share markets. Without buying anything you can buy many things and   without selling anything you can sell many things. What you do is just juggling with some binary codes. If one can become a millionaire in a minute without lifting even a gram of weight and not moving an inch of distance, which fool will be there for work that breaks his back bone.

The cruel world every day talks about this artificial balloon  money and while a few thousands become richer and millions go down as poorer.

Here comes this JACK FRUIT  as an alternative to the wheat and rice. This fruit is commonly found in Asia and the trees take less water and gives more yield. Just a few bulbs of this fruit is sufficient for a breakfast. This tree can withstand drought and is not easily tortured by the pests. Requires no fertilizers as the roots go deep down and they can take the required nutrients from the earth. Of course they are the largest edible fruit available on earth.

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