Sunday, February 9, 2014

War Is A Scar on the Face of the Humanity.

'Just as the war appeared in the minds of man, peace also should come from man'

Not a second I pass without pondering over the futility of violence that thrive across the human habitations. Guns speak every second the language of violence since their birth. To silence their own men  war machines roar on land, air, water and in space. This is the most surprising thing for me. How man can quarrel!  What can he con quire by killing his own men?  We do have hundreds of faiths, thousands of Gods and millions of men and books that preach peace. But to no avail. 

We do read about the death of innocent children who are killed in conflict zones. I read ten thousand children lost their lives in the recent skirmishes in Syria. If this is man's path, let us not talk about Gods and their abundant love. 

  •  If man is a God's creation, why man tries to eliminate him? 
  •  If the 5000 odd languages can't speak peace, what is the use of these languages?
  • If swords can solve problems why words?
  • Peace and violence can't co -exist.  Either of them can.

Source: Economic Times.

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