Friday, February 7, 2014

25,000 Kind Eye Balls that care for this Earth.

The blog has 25,000 page visits so far. I'm greatly indebted to the technology which made it possible and to my former students, friends and all visitors around the globe who felt the blog has something that may be useful. I know a simple cine-song would make billions of hits in hours.  But this blog is not for providing any entertainment. 

The pristine earth was spoiled by man for centuries. Naturally we need centuries and the all occupants of earth who are  present today and in the future to redress the damages. Let every one of us think in 'what little way I can contribute for the restoration of the health of this earth?'  
My contribution - I know it is too little - but let the 'little' come from all of us.

No prescriptions here for any one. Even if one skips his car and uses the public transport for a day- too comes under contribution. One goes to a shop with a container to fetch oil/milk too comes under contribution. Let us Start. We can't leave a parched Earth for our future generations.

"Rivers may come and rivers may go
But the man would go on for ever"

Alfred Lord Tennyson is wrong?

But I appeal to all the visitors to spread the message across the globe and if possible a word of comment may be added for better presentation.

Thank you all..
I'm available at  : 

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