Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tips to Go Green again

Some of the best Go Green Energy Saving tricks and tips that we've discovered to help save energy are:


  1. Turn everything off at the wall when not needed
  2. Change all light bulbs for energy-efficient ones (some savings are long term but worth it!)
  3. Use solar chargers / batteries / panels where possible
  4. Dress in layers (natural fabrics work best) - remove or add as needed - and snuggle up (like the polar bears) for extra warmth (but only in appropriate situations of course ;o )

At home:

  1. Turn off the TV and the computer - go outside and exercise or visit friends (for a double saving)
  2. Eat more raw foods - less cooking saves energy
  3. Try using a solar or thermal slow cooker
    (though solar does work best when it's not raining cats and dogs!)
  4. Put coverings (blinds or curtains) on all windows - this will keep heat in or out as required. Glass is a great conductor, so this where you will lose (wanted) or gain (unwanted) heat!
  5. Isolate rooms that you are heating or cooling - hang a groovy (second-hand) blanket if there isn't a door

In the office:

  1. Charge a "tax" for lights or computers left on when they shouldn't be (also works at home with the kids)
  2. Review your energy needs regularly - and be prepared to change processes to help reduce energy
  3. Set up your network to automatically turn off computers etc that don't need to be on, and to automatically turn on any that must be running before you arrive
  4. Upgrade equipment to the most energy-efficient model as soon as is feasible
  5. Get a combined fax, printer, scanner - one machine, three functions, one third of the energy

General Water Saving Tips

» Fix All Leaks

The fundamental thing we can do to save water is not to waste a drop of it. Make sure that the tap is completely off after using it, and always fix a leaking tap as soon as possible. Don’t just let the tap run while you are brushing your teeth. Rinsing your razor under a running tap wastes lots of water - run a little water into a plugged sink instead.
Did you know?
  • A tap left running can waste up to 17 litres of water a minute.
  • A leaking toilet can waste more than 16,000 litres of water a year.

» Reuse the Water

More than 50% of water we use at home becomes grey water. Grey water includes water left after washing the dishes, laundry or showering and bathing. It is really amazing how much water can be saved if you reuse this grey water. The water can be used for flushing toilets, or watering gardens. Never let it just flow away; just remember that water can perform a variety of roles, even after it has been used once.
Try putting a bucket in the shower with you, and use this grey water to water your plants.

On the Loo

» Use Recycled Toilet Paper

Using recycled toilet paper can be a good way to help save the environment. Over 1.5 million tonnes of paper is kept out of landfill every year by recycling in Australia. However, it's just as important that we ‘buy back’ the new products manufactured from our recycling efforts. We do not really need to use the luxurious and expensive scented toilet tissues. Also, be careful not to use too much paper – what a waste that would be!

» Install Dual Flush Toilet

More than quarter of the water we use at home is used for flushing the toilet, and that is why we need to pay attention to the dual-flush toilet. This economical toilet system can save up to 70% of water. Though it costs to install, it is truly worthy. The dual system was invented by an Australian inventor Bruce Thompson in 1980, and the . It’s no wonder the Australian Government is trying harder to replace single flush toilets with dual-flush toilets than any other nation!
A water efficient dual flush toilet uses more than 60 per cent less water than a standard single flush toilet.
Put Plastic Bottles or Bricks in the toilet tank
If you can’t install a dual flush toilet, you can still reduce the water used for flushing. Simply put plastic bottles (without lids, and allow to fill) or bricks in your toilet tank. It will bring similar results like using the half-flush button. Be aware that you have more than 3 gallons of water in your toilet tank. Otherwise you will lever it down too long or too many times, which means that you will waste more water than you expected.

» Never Flush Anything "Foreign" down the Toilet

Never throw your rubbish or any other alien substances in the toilet. Use the toilet for its original intended use only. Keep in mind that whenever we use it as a wastebasket by using it to dispose of cigarettes or tampons, apart from the damage these things do to the environment and waste systems, it is also a waste of water, all for a little convenience and laziness.
15 Things that should NOT be flushed:mellow yellow message under the lid
  1. Cigarette butts
  2. Hair
  3. Sanitary products – including tampons!
  4. Nappies
  5. Floss
  6. Condoms
  7. Food scraps
  8. Cotton buds
  9. Wrappers
  10. Medicines
  11. Fats and oils
  12. Paints
  13. Pesticides
  14. Tissues
  15. Motor oil

Singing in the Shower

» Take Shorter Showers

Take short shower is a best way to save the water. However, when we take a shower, sometimes it’s hard to manage the time properly, but why not think outside the square? Try using an old radio – one song (if you listen to classical music you may need to adapt this advice) and time’s up, or recycle your old egg timer.
If you still need help, there are plenty of places you can find a little gadget to help time your showers these days – why not support the green business in the Green Times Business Directory? Start in the Kitchen and Bathroom section and have a look around.

» Reduce the use of hot water

Energy needed for heating the water makes up more than 30% of energy consumed at home. Hot water requires more than twice of energy compared to cold water. You can reduce the amount of energy wasted by insulating hot pipes. Also, avoid using hot water if you can. When you do need it, be sure the thermostat is not set too high. Mixing cold water with hot water to lower the temperature is a huge waste of water and energy, and your time.

» Install Efficient Devices

Install a water efficient shower head that adjusts the amount of water properly, allowing you to save 10 litres of water per minute. This can lower your water consumption up to 70%. An eight minute shower using a regular shower head uses around 120 litres of water. A water efficient shower head uses less than 72 litres.
You’ll also save on wasted hot water too! Which means it will require less power to heat up the water, so you can save the energy as well. Surprisingly, this equipment is inexpensive and easy to install. Your joy of shower can be even bigger, by being free from the worries of using water, energy and polluting the environment.
Also install an aerator or flow restrictor on every tap – these water efficient taps use 50 per cent less water than standard taps.

Written by Suzie Kim

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