Sunday, February 16, 2014

'A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step'

Picture of legs on parched earth in Namibia, 2008

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'

My own legs refuse to carry me further,
Sure of my men's destruction even farther,
Eyes want to remain closed; refuses to see the cruel sun
Dried up throat  tries to cry but in vain,
The empty stomach strains to eat her  own walls,
Pregnant clouds pretends to fall,
Fly past gently without any halts.

 Neither have I  a nation nor any destination,
Who is going to die- the earth,  leaving me alone?
Or me, leaving the earth alone?
Both- without any drop of water left with in our bones.

Bright sun right on my head,
I can't open my mouth to swallow this earth
Why not this parched earth,break a little more
To take me in?

Nothing is there to haunt- only death haunts my mind
I don't pray for any prey any more
Let me become a prey...
Oh God, do you have water in your paradise?

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