Saturday, February 22, 2014


Recent project results conclude that algae – or seaweed - is a suitable source for production of biogas. Other relevant applications count feed, food, high value products and fertilizer.
This was the conclusion in a recently completed project “Algae for biogas in the Central Denmark Region” conducted by Algae Center Denmark, which is comprised of the Danish Technological InstituteAarhus University, Ocean Centre Denmark and Kattegatcentre – in collaboration with DONG Energy.
The main objective was to find the best ways to achieve the highest possiblebiogas yield from seaweed. In addition, the possibilities of usingwastewater and manure as a nutrient source and flue gas as a CO2 source for synthesis in seaweed, as well as examining the use of residue frombiogas production as a source of fertilizer in agriculture

Blue biomass production 
The results of the project are unmistakable: Seaweed is suitable for biogas production – and for many other purposes.
“We have gained extensive new knowledge from the project. First, we documented that there are good opportunities for using seaweed to produce biogas. Secondly, we also found that the residue from biogas production is suitable as fertilizer, and that seaweed efficiently absorbs nutrients from manure and wastewater as well as CO2 from flue gas. Therefore, seaweed can be used as a biofilter”, says Annette Bruhn, project manager and researcher from Aarhus University. 

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