Sunday, February 9, 2014


  • 5 killed in accident on highway near Villupuram
As I count the casualties that get reported in the channel I watched  for half an hour I could count ten till the evening of the day. A couple  losing their lives as they were crossing rail lines near Chennai.

It is surprising that none bothers about this most serious disease -deadlier than any other disease that afflicts the world- especially the Indians. Simply 1,50,000 people lose their lives on our Indian roads and half of the number go unreported, if the accidents occur in rural parts and the victims loses his life after a week or later due to the injuries.

I've distributed booklets in thousands containing 100 safety tips in Tamil Language.But not a single person seemed to have read them and passed it on to their friends.  I know my time -now- which I spend will also goes waste. But hurt by the ignorance and sheer arrogance of people who believe that they are  immune to such road crashes, I continue to spread the safety messages where ever and when ever possible. 
  • If you are not authorized to drive a vehicle and don't have a valid licence, don't sit at the wheels.
  • Stop not your  vehicle on roads thinking it is a remote place- and enough space is there for the other vehicles.
  • Drunken driving is a sin. Police may not be there to stop you. Destiny will catch up with you without fail. Commit not that crime.
  • Giving wheels to children too a crime and a sin. It is not the knowledge that the child possesses, they need emotional, psychological maturity to  handle crisis.
  • There is no pleasure in 'long drive' vacations. Fly or travel on trains and hire a cab in the places you visit. And risk not your life and family's with a trip of 500 kilometers  and above.
  • Patience is the first requisite for any road user. If you don't have this virtue don't touch the vehicle. 
  • Vehicles require constant maintenance. Hesitate not to pay for the mechanic.
  • Wait not for the tyres to go bald. Replace them as they have still life. Lest they'd take the occupants' lives.
  • Drive not during nights. Unavoidable. Do not cross 50 Kilometers ( Indian conditions)
  • Rainy day. Relax. 
  • Drive not for more than 500-600 kilometers a day. 
  • A hired driver too a human being. Book a room for him during long distance travels. Asking him to sleep in the cab is imprudent.
  • When vehicles break down display the sign boards prominently a safe distance. Decorating the vehicle with  leaves and branches is an invitation with olive branch for an accident to happen.
  • Carrying people on trucks or load vehicles may not attract penalty. Fate is awaiting your arrival.
  • Speed can thrill but also it'd kill. 
  • A car journey is not a musical extravaganza. Don't sing and dance and play music systems unbearably. 
  •  Not only the driver, the passenger too is expected not to be under the influence of alcohol
  • If not medically fit don't touch the wheels.
  • Sleeping inside a running vehicle doesn't come under rest. Rest means you have to stop the vehicle and sleep for at least 2-3 hours.
  • Drivers have to check their eyes vision every year and a master health check-up every 6 months
  • Using cell phones while driving will take  you  or the other road users definitely to hell. Just date not fixed.
  • Do not take the vehicle if you are having even a minor ailment- physically or emotionally.
  • Allow not strangers into the cabins at any cost.
  • Be sure of the cargo that you carry. Never carry banned or explosive materials
  • Take enough water and fruits and green vegetables on travel
  • On seeing 'green signal' start to glide gently. It is not a signal for race. Don't drive as if a 'tsunami' triggered wave  is following you.
  • Give horns. Don't blow them up to break the hearts of other road users. 
  • Helmets are needed even to ride cycles. Realize your life is precious for others. Wear helmets without fail.
  • Roads are not places to show your deep love for your partner. Behave with civility.
  • None is the owner for the roads. That includes you. Never interfere in the rights of other road users.
  • Be nearer to your work spots and schools. Let the children walk or cycle to the schools.
  • Try to use always public transport
  • No need of personal vehicles unless absolutely essential.
  • There is no 'pride' in owning a 'machine' that moves. Fall not a prey to the temptations of the company advertisements. Today's modern vehicles will be in 'car museums' in just 50 years from now.
  • If you don't have parking space for your vehicle don't buy a vehicle.
  • Buy not things from the shops which don't provide parking.
  • Your bike handle bars are not luggage carriers. don't ride with plastic bags hung on both the bars.
  • Carry not any thing that may fall on the road causing mishaps.
  • Fuel tanks are not for carrying kids. Just stop this violation. Two- means just -TWO persons only. Don't make your kids sit and sleep on the fuel tanks of bikes.
  • Those who love adventure choose hills or deserted deserts and terrorize not the other road users.
  • On carrying sharp pipes or rods drive with caution and have glow signs and not mere leaves or clothes.
To continue....

The car which was involved in an accident near Villupuram on Saturday.

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