Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Importance of Social Cohesion that will Create our Future

It is the responsibility for current generation to achieve
sustainable society with safety and security, in other words,
to take the benefits of the Earth over the future children
who will lead the next generation. But, we continue to face
difficulties toward achieving global sustainability. The
world’s population is expected to grow to 9.3 billion by
2050. If the population keeps increasing and trends of the
natural resource consumption continues, the scale of the
consumption and the environmental impact is expected
to become twice as much ecosystem recovery capacity by
2030, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The
earth has been in trouble, with problems including water
shortages, resource bottlenecks, climate change, water and
air pollution, and irreversible biodiversity losses. These
problems are caused by the growth of economic activities
and increasing inequality gaps.
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, Japan threw
itself into recovering the affected area and revitalizing Japan.
The largest earthquake and tsunami on Japan's record
destroyed the people’s livelihoods across a widespread
area. The severe nuclear accident causes the enormous
impact of radioactive contamination and left serious and
long-term challenges for recovery, such as reconstructing
local communities, mitigating natural disaster risks, and
overcoming energy supply issues.
The Future We Want” has been selected as the theme of
Rio-20 which is to be held this June. The global issues that
we face today force us to reconsider our lifestyle, economic
activities, and even modern civilization that we humans have
achieved. We must make effort to understand each other and
take action beyond significant gaps within all stakeholders,
in order to share a future vision and achieve a sustainable
society that will sustain 50 or even 100 years into the future.
These actions will be more deeply strengthened by people
becoming aware of their social cohesion.
The importance of the human bond becomes aware of
people with the Earthquake as a start. People living in the
affected area have faced the catastrophic disaster hand in
hand. It was a scene that attracted great attention from the
overseas, especially news media. Many people of entire
nation voluntarily gathered in the affected area to support
the victims, sent relief goods for suffering people and made
efforts for energy saving. These all made an enormous
contribution to Japan’s ability to recover from the crisis
immediately after the earthquake. Similarly, it is important
for us to recognize that human bonds can be the power for
overcoming the current sustainability crisis.

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