Friday, November 30, 2012


• Sustainability of public finances and economic resilience

• Sustainable consumption and production
• Conservation and management of natural resources
• Climate change and clean energy
• Sustainable agriculture
• Sustainable transport
• Social inclusion, sustainable communities and spatial planning
• Public health
• Education, communication and behaviour change
• Innovation, research and development
• Skills and training
• Global poverty and sustainable development

While a wide range of initiatives fall within the scope of sustainable development, this Framework will ensure that we improve synergies across this very broad agenda, and identify and tackle policy conflicts and trade-offs as part of a coherent, joined-up approach to policy making on sustainable development.

The priorities for action cut across many key challenges and include:
• An effective framework for transition to an innovative, low carbon and resource efficient society.
• Identifying and adopting policies that can help achieve a shift towards a green economy, while maintaining fiscal stability and ensuring and ensuring sustainable public finances into the future.
• Protecting and restoring our biodiversity and ecosystems so that benefits essential for all sectors of society will be delivered.
• Securing health and social well being to enable full participation in society and economic development.
• Effective governance arrangements to ensure delivery of sustainable development
• A partnership approach to implementation of the strategy.
• Developing a set of indicators to measure and report on progress.

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