Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Guide to Sustainable Office Spaces. I

What’s the Purpose of this guide?
Most private/government staff works in office buildings.  The operation of such buildings accounts for up to 40% of energy consumption in OECD countries – and that’s before adding in the energy consumed for manufacturing building materials and so on.
In India, the government sector – both local and central – play a significant role in the commercial building sector as tenant and commissioning authority.
Managers, project managers, procurement advisors, staff and others who play a part in organizing and designing the office environment have important roles in helping to ensure a healthy and environmentally sound office environment.
This guide aims to offer suggestions and guidelines to help with that task.
From time to time, office arrangements need to change – organizations and units expand and contract, functions change, furnishings wear out.  Typically, an office fit-out or refurbishment may involve all or some of these:
• Removal and replacement of wall, ceiling and floor coverings
·        Installing new fixtures, fittings, furniture, equipment and appliances.
This guide has a number of practical suggestions and checklists to help you make sustainable decisions when undertaking this type of work.

How Does the Guide Work?
This guide is designed to help you consider how moving into new offices (fit-out) – or changing around existing offices to meet new needs (refurbishment) – can be done in ways that are as mindful of the environment as possible.
It is aimed mainly at project managers, who are normally responsible for coordinating the process and ensuring the right outcome.  Your purchasing power also means you can influence the market for more sustainable products and services.  Whilst targeted specifically at government the advice contained in this site is equally relevant for all others undertaking refits and refurbishment projects.
This guide will help you consider ways to achieve good practice in the areas under
consideration as well as value for money.
There are many things to consider and the ‘green’ option is not always the most obvious.
Project  management for office refurbishment or fit-out may involve  anything from commissioning the entire project to selecting materials and buying individual products.  Some of the product groups used in office refurbishment have significant environmental impacts associated with their manufacture, use and disposal.
This guide will help you consider and make decisions that include environmental criteria.  It:
• Sets out some general principles
•Explains the reasons behind environmental criteria and how they should be considered
·        Considers issues from planning and supply chain management through to implementation
·        Offers more detailed and technical advice in the form of checklists in some major areas of procurement
We recommend that you use this guide at the initial planning stage, alongside other key criteria such as value for money and the image your organization wants to present.
This guide is not completely comprehensive because buildings are complex with thousands of components; further information will be added to this guide over time, so please continue to visit to access this new information.  For now this guide covers what we consider to be the key, highest impact, aspects of office building fit-outs and refurbishments.
The definition of sustainability as applied to buildings is not fixed, but ‘green’ or sustainable buildings are sensitive to:
• The environment – local and global  resource, water and energy consumption
the quality of the work environment – impact on occupants
·        Financial impact – cost-effective from a long term, full financial cost-return point of view
·        Long term energy efficiency over the life of the building.
When looking at what’s involved with refurbishing or fitting-out a building, this could mean:
·        Using resources efficiently – getting more from less
·        Minimizing waste
·        Focusing on energy and water use
·        Choosing products carefully to ensure they are not harmful to the environment or to
·        Co-occupants health.
·        Value for money
Greater cost savings and benefit to the environment are possible when sustainability principles are incorporated into new buildings right  from the design and  construction  phase, but the important principles can  also be incorporated into refurbishment and fit-out – if planned for from the beginning. 

Sustainability inevitably links to costs.  It is important to dispel the myth that decisions which are more sustainable and products which minimize environmental impacts are inevitably more expensive.  For example: measures that save energy and water may be cost-effective in their own right taking a whole-of-life approach lets you work out how any additional capital expenditure
– for example, to buy better quality appliances – can be off-set by energy and other
savings over the life span of the item
Funding for energy efficiency for  government agencies is available under the Energy Efficiency and MINISTRY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY
Credibility, reputation and leadership.
  Many government agencies work directly in fields where it is important to lead by example.  Cabinet expects government agencies to show leadership in areas such as energy efficiency and best value procurement.
Risk management.  Quantifying environmental risks associated with office fit-outs and refurbishment  may be difficult, but this does not  mean these risks do not exist.  The continuum stretches from ‘sick building syndrome’ through to staff developing headaches from new carpet emissions.  This guide provides advice designed to avoid these potentially serious problems.
Productivity.   A growing body of research attests that sustainable buildings are associated with greater productivity.  Relevant factors include better staff recruitment and retention, lower levels of sickness and absence, and higher quality work.  For example, that indoor environmental quality can account for a 5–15% effect in terms of productivity.  Sustainable fit-out and refurbishment practices are an essential part of realizing these potential benefits.  These require public service departments to be guided by the principle of ‘best value for money over whole-of-life’, so sustainable practice also supports compliance with this guidance.
We used a number of sources to compile a list of principles that can be applied to office fit-outs.We should strive to:
1.  Conserve water and energy
This includes the embodied energy in the raw materials used during the fit-out or refurbishment as well as the ongoing operation of the building.  Water is also used in manufacturing as well as for amenities within the building.
Conserving water during the operation of the building also saves energy: eg, used in pumping for distribution, heating to provide hot water, and treatment and disposal of waste water.
2.  Minimize impact on indoor air quality
Staff can spend at least eight hours a day in the office.  The quality of the air they breathe is important to both short-term and long term health.
Paint, carpets, furniture and other office items can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and other emissions, as well as exposing staff to toxins and allergens.  Health and safety, occupational health and other building regulations may also be relevant here.
3.  Minimize the use of toxic and hazardous materials
Hazardous solid, liquid and gaseous wastes are produced during manufacture, as well as at the end of the life of a product.  These wastes can be minimized if sustainable alternatives are specified during the project.
4.  Reduce waste – reuse, recycle, minimize
Waste is created at all stages of a fit-out or refurbishment: manufacturing products; building processes and operations; and disposal.  Reducing waste at source means, deciding if you actually need a product at all, and looking for ways in which to reuse existing products – getting more from less.
Using recycled products is also likely to use less energy and fewer valuable raw materials than buying new.
5.  Use renewable, sustainably harvested natural materials, and consider biodiversity protection
Wood is the main natural material used in office fit-outs, while the manufacture of vinyl flooring or aluminum cladding relies on scarce minerals.  Use products with certification from
6.  Minimize pollution of air, land and water
Pollutants can be produced at all stages of the life-cycle of a product or building.  Minimize the risk by ensuring product specifications, legal compliance and best practice standards are met – during the installation, operation, maintenance and disposal of the products.
7. Encourage environmental stewardship by suppliers and manufacturers
Some manufacturers are prepared to take responsibility for the environmental impacts of their products throughout their manufacture, distribution, operation, maintenance and disposal.  You can help promote this approach by asking for details of product composition, manufacturing processes including energy and water use, packaging take-back schemes, and disposal options – and using this information when deciding between different products. 
8. Ensure durability
A durable product with an extended life is generally more resource efficient.  Look for quality products with replaceable or upgradable parts.  You may need to balance this against other factors such as the inclusion of materials with high adverse environmental impact (eg, adhesives, or synthetics). These principles are at the heart of the checklist in Getting started.
All buildings must be designed, constructed, and able to be used in ways that promote sustainable development.  The Building Code prescribes functional requirements for buildings and the performance criteria with which buildings must comply.
8 A Guide to Sustainable Office Fit-outs Getting Started
Many of the issues you may face around the fit-out or refurbishment of your building will depend on the extent to which you can influence its construction (of a new building) or redevelopment (of an existing building).
A sustainable approach involves a hierarchy of issues:
• Rethink
·        Reuse
·        Recycle.
Do you need to refurbish?
Refurbishing will have greater adverse environmental impacts than not refurbishing.  However, any changes to achieve greater energy efficiency, healthy air quality etc should be undertaken as worthwhile activities in their own right.
Other options include: hot desking (do staff require their own private working space?) flexible working arrangements. Does it need to be a full refurbishment or can the scope be reduced?
As a rule of thumb, the more extensive is  the refurbishment the greater the adverse impacts are.
Do you need to buy new?
Buying a new product is likely to have greater environmental impacts overall than reusing existing items – even where the older items are not made of sustainable materials or not operating in an energy efficient manner (but see exception under ‘Rethink’ above).
If you do decide to replace existing items, check your organization’s storage facilities – sometimes suitable items are being kept but are not in current use.
Items no longer required in the new office setting should be considered carefully – is it worth storing them for future use?  If not, how can you dispose of them in ways that promote their continuing usage elsewhere?
If you cannot reuse existing items, can they be recycled?
Recycling means that an item itself cannot be reused but its components can be.
1.  Establish a vision that embraces sustainable principles and an integrated
sustainable design approach.  Develop a clear statement of intent for the projects
vision, goals, design criteria and priorities.
2.  Appoint a project manager who will be responsible for overseeing the project’s
planning and implementation.  If internally appointed, which is often the case, ensure enough of their time and effort is dedicated to the building project.
3.  Encourage all staff to participate in the project from the beginning.   Offer
information, training and incentives to get their participation and buy-in to the
project’s vision and intent.
4.  Develop a project budget that incorporates sustainable building measures.  Seek
sponsorship or grant opportunities  and allocate adequate funds for specific
sustainable options.
5.  Adapt the tender selection process to select a design and construction team that
is committed to the project’s vision and has sustainable building experience.
6.  Build effective relationships with your architects, designers, contractors, and
suppliers so  there is a common  understanding of  your vision and aims.  Make
environmental issues an agenda item in meetings with suppliers.
7.  Focus on the big picture by looking  for  ways that will make the largest impact.
Design and fit-out choices should, over the life of the building, address the key
issues of:
 •  Location
 •  Energy
 •  Water
 •  Materials
 •  Waste.
8.  Use space planning and other material efficiency strategies to reduce the amount of building materials needed and to cut construction costs.
9.  Facilitate recycling collection and solid waste management by allocating space for these activities.
10.  Develop a project schedule that allows time for the investigation of sustainable
issues including time for building systems testing and commissioning.
11.  Once commissioned ensure all building systems are operating at, or above, their optimum designed efficiency ratings.
12.  Use the opportunity to add  sustainable practices to your organization’s  other
activities (procurement, vehicles and waste management).
Site selection
Select a site that enables staff and visitors to use public transport.
Protect and retain existing landscaping and natural features – chose plants with low water, pesticide and maintenance needs.  Use compost and mulches to reduce watering requirements.
Ensure your suppliers plan for managing materials through both the demolition and construction phases.  Reuse and recycle construction and demolition materials.
Include environmental considerations as part of the normal purchasing process.
Emphasize pollution prevention early in the purchasing process.
Collect accurate and meaningful information about environmental performance, and use it to
Make purchasing decisions.  Select sustainable construction materials and products by looking for:
• Reused and recycled
•zero or low harmful air emissions
·        zero or low toxicity
·        Sustainably harvested materials
·        High recyclability, durability, longevity and local production.
Ask suppliers and contractors for samples of materials as well as names of previous users of the product or service (references).  Consider trialing   new products until performance and technical requirements have been proven.
Get appropriate documentation to support supplier or manufacturer claims on first-time buys or if any of the original information changes.  Supporting documentation could include:
Toxicological information
Test results from a recognized or accredited laboratory
Source of recycled content information (domestic or foreign, post-consumer or
Re-processed manufacturing scraps)
Technical Aspects
Most products suitable for use in a sustainable fit-out have one or more of the following health and/or environmental attributes.  They:
• Are made using natural and/or renewable resources
•Have low ‘embodied energy’ (the energy required to produce and transport materials)
·        Are obtained from local resources and manufacturers
·        May incorporate recycled content (post-consumer and/or post-industrial)
·        Promote good indoor air quality (typically through reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds VOCs and/or formaldehyde)
·        Are durable, and have low maintenance requirements have been salvaged from existing or demolished buildings for reuse
·        Do not contain CFCs, HCFCs or other ozone-depleting substances
·        Do not contain highly toxic compounds, and their production does not result in highly toxic by-products
·        Employ ‘sustainable harvesting’ practices for wood or bio-based products
·        Can be easily reused (either whole or through disassembly)
·        Can be readily recycled (preferably in a closed-loop recycling system)
·        And are biodegradable.
Principle  Questions :
Do you have an energy and water management programme for the manufacture of
the product?
Is the product energy and/or water efficient (ie, energy efficiency / water
conservation rating schemes)?
Water and energy conservation
Does the product have a water and/or energy efficiency rating?
Minimal impact on indoor air quality
Does the product release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde or
other emissions that reduce indoor air quality during its manufacture or use?
Toxic and hazardous materials minimized
Does the product contain toxic or hazardous materials or use toxic or hazardous
materials in its manufacture, use or disposal?
Can I buy the product in the exact size and quantity I need (ie, what sizes are
Can the product be reused, refilled or recycled at the end of its useful life?
Does the product have recycled content?
Will you take back the packaging?
Do you have a waste minimization programme?
Reduction of waste
Is the product made of a single material or materials that are easily separated for
re-cycling and reuse?
Are the materials in the product obtained from renewable and sustainably harvested sources?
Renewable and sustainably harvested materials, biodiversity protection
Do you have a positive management programme for habitats and native species?
Minimal pollution of air, land and water
Do you have a pollution prevention programme?
Do the instructions supplied with the product provide guidance on minimising
pollution when installing, operating, maintaining and disposing of the product?
Environmental stewardship  Is your company ISO 9000 certified?
Do you have an environmental policy statement?
Do you provide information about the composition of products, take-back schemes, lease options, and other information over and above regulatory requirements?
Durable and upgradeable Does the product contain upgradeable, repairable or replaceable parts?
Is the product durable (life expectancy)?
Location and design
Selection of the building location was an important first step. One wants to ensure the building worked well for staff  and would enable both staff and visitors to make best use of public transport.
• Choose products with an Environmental Clearance / eco-label wherever available.
• Decide on materials early.
• Select architects and fit-out consultants with practical experience of sustainable
Principles for sustainable fit-out
The general rules to be followed when planning for a sustainable fit-out were to:
• Deal with large-scale impacts before small ones
•Choose the lowest-impact product that would do the job for the best value for money
·        Consider impacts in terms of scale – local/regional/global.  Global impacts such as ozone depletion and climate change are usually the worst in terms of sustainability.  Materials  and designs which exacerbate global impacts should be the first to be avoided
·        Choose a local source rather than imported materials/components, where possible if imported, choose products that come by sea rather than by air, as air-freighted products generate considerably more CO2 (a climate change gas).
Cost sharing
Share some of the extra costs of installing sustainable features in the building.
  For example, install for air –conditioning of the building VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) system instead of   VAV system (Variable Air Volume). 
Negotiate for additional capital costs on sustainability features to be shared with the developer.
Energy Efficiency
Passive design strategies can dramatically affect building energy performance.  These measures include building shape and orientation, passive solar design, and the use of natural lighting.  If you are fitting out an existing building, or working with developers to fit-out a new building, you may be limited in how far you can go with these.  Some key approaches include:
Develop strategies to provide natural lighting.  Studies have shown that it has a
positive impact on productivity and well-being.
•Install high-efficiency lighting systems with advanced lighting controls.  Include motion sensors and dimmable lighting controls where practical.  Task lighting reduces general overhead light levels.
Use a properly sized and energy-efficient heat/cooling system in conjunction with a thermally efficient building shell.  Over-specifying air conditioning and heating is one of the most common problems in modern buildings.  Maximize light colors for roofing and wall finish materials; install high R-value wall and  ceiling insulation; and use minimal glass on east and west exposures.
Minimize the electric loads from lighting, equipment and appliances.  Look for
appliances with the most energy stars.
Consider alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic or fuel cells now available in new products and applications.  Renewable energy sources provide a great symbol of emerging technologies for the future.
Consider outsourcing computer services or using thin servers and LCD screens.
Computer rooms use considerable amounts of energy.
Computer modeling is an extremely useful tool in optimizing design of electrical and mechanical systems and the building shell. 
Sustainable building measures can only achieve their goals when they work as intended. Building commissioning includes testing and adjusting the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems to ensure all equipment meets design criteria.  It also includes training staff on the operation and maintenance of equipment.
Over time, building performance can be assured through measurement, adjustment and upgrading.  Proper maintenance ensures a building continues to perform as designed and commissioned.
Building Users’ Guide
A useful tool to help tenants get used to and understand the new technologies and systems after a fit-out is a building users’ guide, which might include:
• commissioning timeframes
•how to use the technologies (HVAC and lighting systems)
·        expectations of staff (energy, waste and recycling strategies)
·        who to contact (building faults or repairs)
·        fire evacuation plan.
The building users’ guide should be tailored to your organization’s needs, and may be used as part of the induction process for new employees.
Hand dryers, towels or paper towels?  The ‘green’ answer is not always straightforward.
Electric hand dryers are probably the first choice, followed by cloth, then recycled paper towels.

Choose the appropriate size for your needs to minimize under or over loading.  Position the refrigerator away from heat sources, including direct sunlight.  Install it with a good 3 cm gap all around for good air circulation.
Base your choice on the expected usage.  If you are likely to run smaller loads more frequently, then a dish-drawer type dishwasher is more appropriate.  For larger loads, or a dishwasher that is used only when full, choose a standard dishwasher with a good energy rating.
A large percentage of energy usage in an office is associated with office machines.  Some office products use less energy by automatically switching to ‘sleep’ when not in use, and/or saving power when on standby. 

Use Energy efficient computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, copiers and
Choose the appropriate printer and copier for your needs to minimize noise and heat.
Reduce exposure to toxins, heat and noise, by separating these operations from the rest of the office environment.  A dedicated copier/printer room that is separately vented from the building’s main ventilation system is best.
Energy efficiency
The main areas are:
The building management system
HVAC – heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Hot water use.
The  Building Management System
  The BMS monitors, measures and manages the overall energy use of the building including HVAC, lifts and security, and can also manage a sophisticated lighting system.
A BMS is vital in managing energy use and we anticipate it will deliver financial savings because it allows a building manager to avoid significant ‘peak load changes’.  Electricity retailers usually charge commercial buildings for a whole month at the rate that applies to their peak load during that month.  If you can spread current energy use more evenly, you can save money.
Kitchen areas on each floor service up to 50 people, so large refrigerators were required.  No
Environmental Choice eco-labeled products were available, so energy efficiency (Energy Star ratings and energy use) was the key criterion for selection.  Currently several imported brands have higher ratings than local equivalents. 
When loads are usually full, a standard dishwasher is recommended.

A fresh coat of paint is one of the quickest and easiest ways to refurbish an office.  A number of issues are associated with the ingredients, manufacturing progress, application, and disposal of paint.  However, several paint manufacturers produce products that carry the Environmental   eco-label and offer a sustainable alternative.
Emulsion paints are  much safer to work with as they contain little or no hydrocarbon  solvent.
Ensure painting contractors:
• use paints that meet the Environmental Choice criteria
• dispose of used pails/cans and excess paint responsibility.  Paint recycling facilities exist in some cities.
 Complete painting at least two days before occupancy and consider full ‘flushing’ of the building before occupancy (for example, by leaving windows open or running the building ventilation system for two days).
Technical checklist
Key things to avoid:  aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, halogenated solvents, ethylene glycol, mercury, arsenic, selenium, lead, cadmium, chromium VI, antimony, formaldehyde, lead or titanium dioxide.
Does the product meet the required levels of volatile organic compounds? (VOCs)
Has the product been formulated and/or manufactured with the use of aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, halogenated solvents, or ethylene glycol?
Has the product been formulated and/or manufactured (includes tinting) with the use of mercury, arsenic, selenium, lead, cadmium, chromium VI or antimony?
Has the product been formulated and/or manufactured with the use of formaldehyde or is it likely to release formaldehyde during use?
Have paint containers and their components been fabricated with the use of lead or titanium dioxide?
Are paint containers made of material(s) that can be recycled, eg, plastic resin code 2 (high density polyethylene)?
Do you provide clear disposal guidelines consistent with the Hazardous Substances Disposal Regulations ?
 Cabling and Wiring
Wiring includes:
• communications data wiring – fibre optics, copper and copper alloy-based
•electrical power wiring – copper or aluminium with plastic coating (usually PVC).
The most important considerations for electrical installations are that they are safe and suitable for their purpose – best achieved by ensuring they meet the appropriate standard.  Sustainable materials can be used, but the standard should come first.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the most common insulation and jacketing material for wiring in buildings, mainly because of its good flame resistance and low cost.  Some PVC wire insulation and jacketing are 5 to 10 percent lead by weight.
Various halogen-based compounds, especially fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), are also common in data wiring insulation.
• Design for easy access and future removal.  Install wiring in readily accessible
wiring chases to simplify future modifications.
• Minimise wiring runs.
–  Design for future wiring needs, but  avoid installing  wires unless there is an
immediate need for them.
–  Reduce material use  by installing high-capacity runs to local hubs, rather than
connecting each directly to a central hub.  Local hubs can connect to workstations
via wireless or short-wired connections.
• Install voice-data-video (VDV) cable that can serve upgraded networks so that cable will not become obsolete early.
• Avoid wiring in exterior walls.  This can interfere with insulation and may result in significant air leakage.
• Minimize electromagnetic fields.  Rely on ‘prudent avoidance’ strategies to minimize exposure of building occupants to electromagnetic fields.
• Go wireless. Use wireless data connections instead of hard-wired ones for maximum flexibility and minimum material use.  Wireless connections may be usable in some local areas, even if they are not usable building-wide.
• Specify halogen-free products – look for polyolefin products; to use these for
insulation and jacketing, compounds are typically added for flame resistance.  Or
specify polyolefin cable with lower flame resistance and place it in a fire-protected
environment (eg, metal conduit or cellular cores of concrete floor panels).
• Wherever possible, specify wire and cable insulation and jacketing that do not
contain PVC, chlorinated polyethylene, FEP, or products containing brominated
flame retardants.  Some PVC wire insulation and jacketing comprise 5 to 10 percent lead by weight.  Specify products that don’t contain lead stabilizers.
• Use fibre-optic cable.  Fibre optics, widely used to carry voice and data signals,
require less insulation and jacketing than copper wiring because they transmit light
signals instead of electricity.  It may be possible to run fibre-optic trunk lines to smaller copper distribution lines, thus reducing total insulated cable use.
• Avoid the need for plenum-rated and limited-combustion cable.  Run data cable
in metal conduit, sealed wiring chases, or cellular raceways in concrete decking to
avoid the need for highly flame-resistant cable.
• Specify heavy-metal-free wire and cable.  Cadmium, chromium, and other heavy
metals are often using in pigments for wire insulation and jackets.  Avoid them
whenever possible.
• Remove old cable and recycle where possible.
• Follow safety precautions when removing old cable, which may contain high levels of lead dust.
• Reuse suitable components such as electrical boxes, flush boxes and fittings where possible.
Is the product PVC free?
If the product is not PVC free, is the PVC easy to separate for recycling?
Has the product been made from recycled PVC?
Does the manufacturer/supplier take-back PVC for regeneration/recycling?
Are the cable and wiring made from recycled copper?
Does the supplier take-back all suitable metal waste for recycling?
Are all insulants durable to maximise the lifetime of the wiring?
Can you locate suitable recycling facilities for any metal waste or recyclables that you will not take-back?
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC) Systems
If you work in an air conditioned office, up to half the building’s energy use will go on heating, ventilating and cooling the building.  This can be a highly technical area, so use the pointers provided here as discussion topics with your consultant.
Older cooling systems may use chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that deplete the ozone layer and are active greenhouse gases.  (Look for alternative cooling agents.)
• Inefficient heating/cooling systems increase energy use.
Maximize natural ventilation
• If possible, have windows that open so you can naturally ventilate the office.  If this is not an option make sure the air quality is regularly assessed to avoid sick building syndrome.  Avoid overheating in summer months – look for summer shading ideas (eg, trees, climbers or blinds).
Insulate your office
• Ensure the building is properly insulated above ‘building code’ requirements. 
Insulation will save energy and provide a healthier, more comfortable environment. 
Most heat is lost through the ceiling (42%), the rest through windows (12%), cracks (12%), or the floor (10%).
Don’t let engineers over-specify HVAC equipment
• Conservative approaches often lead to 30% excess capacity in HVAC plant, which creates enormous ongoing inefficiencies.  Ask your engineers how they decided on the HVAC plant size and test their assumptions.
• If possible, retain existing systems or ductwork but ensure all air ductwork is cleaned to remove dust, dirt and mould before occupation.
Don’t skip commissioning
• Time over-runs may mean essential testing and balancing of the HVAC is not done until the building is occupied.  This can lead to an unbalanced and inefficient HVAC system.
• A building needs to be ‘tuned’ over a full year’s running to ensure all systems are
operating properly in all climatic conditions.
 Look after HVAC systems
• Ensure you have a building users’ guide for the engineering systems.
• Your HVAC system must be designed, operated and maintained to a required
standard or it may cause air pollution as a result of poor maintenance.
• Set thermostats, with adjustable dead bands, between 20–24

• Avoid after-hours use of the HVAC system.  Find out how the HVAC system is zoned. 
Ensure that after-hours switches service an area not greater than 500m  and that they automatically switch off the HVAC system after a pre-set time.
• Avoid using single heaters as much as possible.  If you have heaters use radiant
heaters, not fan heaters.
• Have your HVAC system serviced regularly.
HVAC system would best deal with the specific issues it faced, including:
• the desire for a highly energy-efficient system
•the lack of natural ventilation – no opening windows the need to service a large meeting room. A Variable Air Volume (VAV) system was originally proposed for the building.  These are common in office buildings, and modern systems can be reasonably efficient.  However, they need considerable exterior plant space, unless space has been allowed for within the building.
Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) systems use reverse heat-cycle heat pumps and offer flexibility for customising air conditioning to meet the requirements of different areas.  They also allow scope for optimising energy-efficient operation, in particular through heat recovery,and need less outdoor space than VAV systems.
The  VRV system installed in Environment House  allows for heat exchange to occur between areas needing heating and those needing cooling, improving its energy efficiency.
The choice of refrigerant is also important.  Refrigerants can be ozone-depleting and add to global warming.  The refrigerant in the installed system (R410A) is a zero ozone-depleting  refrigerant and therefore the most environmentally friendly available.
• Install a building management system.
• Select options that are as energy efficient as possible.

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