Tuesday, November 13, 2012


MONEY- A MYTH: GROWTH- A FARCE.  (Copyright article)
(An Alternate Answer to the Pressing Questions in Economics the Humanity Faces)
For most of us honey and money are attractive. Honey attracts as it is tasty and money attracts us as it can help us create or buy tasty things or provide more comforts. In the modern paper/plastic currency era the imaginary thing called ‘money’ makes people happy as this artificial thing is recognized around the world. Gone are the days when people had barter trading system. The buyer and the seller both could see the goods or verify the services rendered. Today imaginary money inflates the e-accounts and trillions of worth! Shares are traded every day around the globe. This artificial inflation makes everyone rich and none remains poor.(?)  If everyone has money to buy and only some having the thing/s he desires, won’t the price shoot up sky high? That’s what really happening today.
The economists around the globe talk about the growth every second and the sensitive index of the scrips traded are quoted widely and lazy people who are not ready to work pocket gain/lose millions of dollars at the click of a mouse. This arm chair intellectuals simply forget if everyone prefers to earn easy money in their way, who would till the fields or tighten nuts and bolts in factories and how can the humanity survive?

Money is a Myth and Material is Real
An apple can command a cost. Can a paper currency command a value for the material it is made up of? Yes, this was a grave fault that man has been in for centuries now. This artificial, fake money myth is making more and more people poorer and a less and less number   as super-rich. Just as the ways of sufferings of the poor men increase manifold the rich is discovering more and more ways of getting happiness.  A quintal of paddy cost two dollars in the 1970’s. Today it is 20 dollars in India. Does that mean the farmer’s economic status has increased by twenty times?  Definitely  not.   Instead his loan burden has gone up and his lifestyle remains the same.  What is real can be seen and felt. The unreal things like the shares in a financial market are mere perceptions and exist in air only.  For instance a trader places orders for the ‘buy ‘of a million shares of a popular firm.  Minutes after he offloads the shares and in the transaction he gains a few thousand dollars.  The few thousand dollars he gained becomes plastic/paper currency. In real what was created-nothing. Any services rendered –nothing. Hence this is called bubble money existing in e-form/imaginary form. When there is a necessity to work for 4 weeks and earn such money for most of the people, a few who has learnt this art of ‘trading’ or gambling gain with no efforts. When this artificial money gains currency form and enters the money market the inflation occurs.  There are neither goods nor services but only the imaginary money enters. This is the problem of the modern world. This is only retaining a coffin maker in his profession for generations and making a ‘smart’ petrol pump attendant as a CEO of a fortune 500 company .
To be continued…..

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