Thursday, November 22, 2012


The man's best imaginative invention is called,'shares/equities' in the field  of  trading. The single most reason for the spread of poverty  among the  'masses'  and the accumulation of wealth by a few'classes' is the result of an unethical, imaginary and cruel practice called 'trading'. A poor farmer in India will get  a  single dollar for trapping 10 rats throughout the day as part of the 'rats eradication programme' .Similar is the  status of millions across the world- leave alone the people who sleep on pavements without even a morsel of food. But  an  'arm chair magician' sitting before a system connected by internet  would place orders for 'BUY' OR   'SELL'  a million shares at the click of a mouse. If a man is going to get a million dollars at the click of a mouse who would be ready to toil in the fields? Is this justified? Is this not cruel? Is it not against the humanity? A rickshaw puller in Mumbai who drops the 'sait' on  the    Dalal Street  would earn a crore and the hard working a mere 100 rupees or so.

This piece is not to blame the entire system that revolves around and creates private/public limited companies. But to remind the humanity that a class of people are there who deal with this e-money (easy money?) have no sense of  any work 'and indulge in this 'licensed gambling'  which is wrecking millions of poor across the world. To be honest  our governments are not  having even paper currencies to match the 'zeroes' that are shown in the balance sheets of limited companies.

It was reported some of our CEO'S of Indian companies get more than  500000000 (50 crore/500 million) as their salaries for a year. But the government's most popular scheme promises 100 day work and 100 rupees salary. If a person works  for all the 100 days he gets a mere 10,000 rupees. This is the modern economy.

People who bet on  an imaginary horse are riding on prosperity and a man who rears and rides real a horse is reeling in poverty. Unless this bubble money concept is stopped the disparities between the rich and the poor will grow menacingly. The growth percentage shown by the economists are  not for all but for a few. 

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