Thursday, November 1, 2012


(1a) Discipline is of paramount importance in academics, as well as your professional and personal life.
Your internal body clock finds it easy to adjust to a regular pattern of sleeping, improving the quality of sleep and productivity during the day. Further the nutrition, the regular and consistent eating habits positively influence health. Learn to manage your time,handling important andurgent tasks on priority. Regularity in attending lectures is mandatory., unless there is a family or personal emergency. By missing lectures, you lag behind,creating additional academic pressure. Break the habit of missing lectures casually. Consult your Professors for clarification after missing lectures for genuine reasons, or for additional study materials. Professors like to guide serious students and can be your mentors too. As a teenager, movies,late night parties,weekend tours etc. are common. Try not to yield to such temptations; instead, plan unwinding activities occasionally.Become a thorough professional making discipline a way of life.

(1b) PERSISTENT GOAL FOCUS :- Discover your strengths and interests by taking an aptitude test . Use this assessment and consider appropriate career options. Consult a mentor and choose your career. Pursue career goals with focus. Career challenges and difficulties can be demotivating, distracting you away from your goals. But Successful students from every difficult situation and persist until their goal are achieved. By power of your imagination, visualize a dream career, to keep you energized and highly motivated.

(1c) HEALTH, FITNESS & EMOTIONS :- With an array of tasks like classes, assignments, case studies, projects etc., academic life becomes demanding and stressful. Balance your academic personal life, by managing time for sports, yoga, or a relaxing hobby. A balanced life with regularity in sleep, diet, exercise, makes you physically fit and healthy. With self-discipline, condition your mind to focus, irrespective of routine or challenging tasks. Overcome addictions and dependencies with emotional control, developing a positive self-image.

(1d) CONCENTRATION & STUDY TECHNIQUES :- You must combat any lack of concentration. For example , you may be forced to wake up late after a late night party and rush to college missing breakfast. Lack of sleep and gnawing hunger make it difficult for you to concentrate on lectures. Therefore you may find the classes boring and indulge in conversations, texting, or even bunking. However successful Students manage to concentrate on the lectures, with strong listening habits. Become a part of a learning environment by understanding the syllabus and expecting the content of each class. Stay away from Friends who wean you from scheduled activities. Engage in self-dialogue, developing the ability to say ' no ' . Be open to continuous learning.
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily,express our character.


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