Tuesday, November 13, 2012


More humans , more mouths to feed, more concrete to protect them, more food production, more and more chemicals as feed  for the fertile lands. More, more and more ......how long and how far?

Just two nations  constitute roughly 40% of the globe's  population and both of them are very ancient but not conscious of their  contribution to the depletion of the valuable natural resources. They  call this as 'human resources' and are very proud to declare that they consume more. Industrialised or less industrialised - every nation in the world compete with one another for no reason- but for all wrong reasons. In their hungry for 'more' they have killed the fresh water lakes and  rivers.  To  optimise productivity they have laid layers of  urea, potassium, phospate, sulphate, gypsum and a host of pesticides which are insoluble and mix with ground water and refuses to die. Today none of our plants promise a growth unless they smell fertilizers. 

So, man has successfully extended  his lab experiments to the fertile fields and has made all these lands a chemical laboratory. He thinks he is the owner of this earth and usurps the rights of every other surviving cell. He  is always on the search to maximise his comforts and encroach the rights of other beings. 

This piece is not to to deny man's rights or denigrate him in any way. But to remind him that he is one of the co-inhabitants of this planet and he should learn to co-exist with others. Man's reasoning powers  must not make him lose reason. 

Man should realise that the tallest and sturdiest trees, most beautiful flower plants that bloom across the jungles of Amazon and others  have not sensed a grain of fertiliser or a spray of pesticides. 

The tallest/ largest/ land or water animal/s are growing healthy without  a morsel of  food donated by man.   

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