Monday, February 16, 2015

The Hungry Man.

The Hungry Man

The sun was dyeing the sky with its red attire as it did in the morning,
The cattle were heading towards their homes with their bowed heads,
It was the march of an army of animals with no animosity in sight,
The clinging of bells that decked their necks wrecked the silence of the valley,
Over the sky were the hovering birds, flying to their   pleasant tree beds,
The running streams seemed to have slowed down to see the sea of sheep,
There came a bund across the bend which none could climb but with  a pass, 
The friends returning from the grazing fields made no chase but passed in unison,
The proud flowers were blinking and sinking, thinking of their ending, 
The clouds came to cover the eye of the sky amidst the flies,
The dead dark night harked very close and the dreaded dogs barked with their throats out on the streets,
The hungry calves welcomed their mothers with their tongues out,
The noble man released the calf in captivity to its heart’s rejoice,
Hardly a single droplet of milk touched her parched stomach,
The hungrier man pulled the rope with all his might,
The udder filled mother yelled in silence at the violence,
Thinking of her calf and of her plight, tears welled her eyes, 
But, the hungry man’s pot and heart got filled to  his delight!


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