Friday, February 27, 2015

Need of the Hour

Cricket: Srinivasan apologises to Supreme Court

What  can get our attention which are not getting:

  • Millions of mentally ill  patients  are roaming our streets and public places and none cares to care for them. No plan- no vision.  
  • Millions of men and women with no vision(eye sight)  suffer and there is no concrete programme to help them stand on their  own legs
  • With overflowing godowns, still millions suffer from hunger and all are not reached with few exceptions.
  • Health is one of the most neglected areas and ruled by the private players, who have made a ' health industry' (?). State hospitals are few and are overcrowded. 
  • 1,50,000 die on our roads every year and 15,00,000 are injured in different degrees and one third of them becoming physically challenged. Again no vision or mission
  • Thousands of Indians suffer abroad in labor disputes and lead their lives in abysmal conditions and no one cares for them till the entire media highlights an issue.
  • Millions of  literate, illiterate, educated, skilled, semi-skilled  and unskilled youth are waiting for a suitable job. But valuable time is spent on  mere political bickering and none bothers
  • Elected representatives assemble  for very few days and quarrels, tearing papers or throwing mikes and verbal abuses galore. No healthy  discussion of Edmund Burke is heard not even once. But the media which take sides 
  • Neither the corrupt nor the criminal; almost none gets any punishment as the systemic loopholes help them escape and the poor once again suffering
  • Hundreds of water bodies and scores of rivers die every day and none cares to protect them
  • At least 40%  of the energy consumed can be saved if the people follow the tips given by the energy experts and none bothers
  • Education is not for employment but to gain knowledge. In reality there is a rat race to score 100% in every exam,every subject, in every class and  at every time. 
  • Millions of our kids need electric lamps.  Till now they are contented with kerosene.

"A new government report says 32,719 murder cases were registered last year, double the figure in the US and three times more than in Pakistan.
Experts say the real crime rate in India is even higher with many cases going unreported.  Overall, five million cases of crime, including murder, rape and drug offences, were reported in India in 2007-08, the report compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and released by the Indian home ministry says.
The rate of murder in India is three per 100,000 people while that of rape is four in 100,000, according to the report" BBC news

  • Who will talk about the punishment for these killers?
  • Millions do not follow traffic rules and millions  ride without helmets and millions more go  merrily with drunken driving
  • Atrocities on the poor continues and the bonded laborers are identified in the most advanced states- almost every week
  • Child labor is rampant and kids are harassed by many and at many places with no solution in sight
The list will continue...

But let us talk cinema,politics and religion- Religion-politics-cinema....

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