Saturday, February 14, 2015

Save Thamiraparani River

Image result for thamirabarani river

The river Thamirabarani may be small by the distance it travels. But it is rich in its history. One of the holiest rivers of  our land, is the only perennial river of Tamilnadu. It is said that the river water is rich in 'copper' . Hence the name Tambarabarani.  The Tamil civilization is one of the most ancient ones,  which has got a tradition to live in harmony with nature.

  1. Kurinji- Mountains and the adjacent areas
  2. Mullai- Forests and adjacent areas
  3. Marudham- Cultivable Lands and its adjacent area
  4. Neidhal- Sea and its adjacent areas
  5. Palai- Desert lands
These are the five divisions they had. The entire Tamil culture, whether it is divine matters or war nature had a role in them. 

Today the river has to be saved from the onslaught of man. 

Do's and Don'ts:
1.  Do not litter the river in any way.
2. Do not throw old or new clothes; give them to the poor
3. Do not use Shampoo  and avoid soap/detergents

"The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called "Aduppukkal Mottai", "Agathimalai" and "Cherumunji Mottai", at an altitude of about +2,000m from the mean sea level.

The Tambarabarani basin is situated between latitudes 8.21' N and 9.13' N and between longitudes 77.10' E. Vanatheertham waterfalls (40 m deep) is located close to the origin of the main river. This river joins the Papanasam Reservoir at its 16th km. The river has 4 tributaries called Peyar, Ullar, Karaiar and Pambar upstream of Papanasam Reservoir.

The River Servalar, a main tributary of Tambarabarani joins the main river at a running distance of 22-km. Another tributary Manimuthar originates in the Agathimalai Ranges at an altitude of about +2,000 m above mean sea level. It joins the Tambarabarani at its 36th km near Ambasamudram. Gadana River joins at its 43rd km on the left.

The Tributaries
The Gadana River has two tributaries namely Jambunadhi and Ramanadhi. There are six anicuts across Gadana and 7 across Ramanadhi. There is a reservoir across Gadana with a storage capacity of 352 m.cft. The Gadana River irrigates 3,887.09 hectares of wetlands. There is a reservoir of 152 m.cft. capacity across Ramanadhi. This river irrigates 2,023.47 hectares of wetlands.

Pachaiyar, the next tributary joins Tambarabarani at its 61st km near Gopalasamudram. This tributary originates from the Kalakkadu reserve forests at an altitude of about 1,300 m above mean sea level. It has 12 anicuts across and irrigates 6,151.35 hectares of wet and dry lands. Chittar, a tributary of Tambarabarani joins it at its 73rd km, running almost parallel to Tambarabarani till its confluence.

The river Tambarabarani, after the confluence of Chittar, travels another 23-km where it has the Srivaikundam anicut. From thereon, it runs eastwards for 30-km and enters the Gulf of Mannar near Palayakayal."

Tamirabarani River System

The important Irrigation Channels branching off from both the banks of the river Tamiraparani are, South Kodaimelalagian channel, North Kodaimelalagian channel (Kodaimelalagian anaicut), Nathiyunni channel (Nathiyunni anaicut), Kannadian channel (Kannadian anaicut), Kodagan channel (Ariyanayagipuram anaicut), Palayam (Palavur anaicut) channel, Tirunelveli channel (Suthamalli anaicut), Marudur Melakkal, Marudur Keelakkal (Marudur anaicut), South Main Channel and North Main Channel (Srivaikundam anaicut). Of these the first seven anaicuts were constructed during the period of ancient and medieval rulers and the last anaicut namely the Srivaikundam anaicut was constructed and completed by the British in 1869.

Sl.NoName of AnaicutRegd. Ayacut (in Hectares)Name of Channels
1.Kodaimelaalagain anaicut1281.671. South Kodaimelalagain channel
2. North Kodaimelalagain channel
2.Nathiyunni anaicut1049.37Nathiyunni channel
3.Kannadian anaicut2266.69Kannadian channel
4.Ariyanayagipuram anaicut4767.30Kodagan channel
5.Palavur anaicut3557.26Palayam channel
6.Suthamalli anaicut2559.69Tirunelveli channel
7.Marudur anaicut7175.641. Marudur Melakkal
2. Marudur Keelakal

Source: and

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