Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Plastic Free World

               I’m glad that the people have started talking about Swacch Bharat- Clean India. Many prominent men have come out of their shells and wielded the brooms and magazines have published their noble acts. All we have to understand is that clean India cannot emerge from cleaning but keeping it clean- without polluting. Instead of cleaning the public places with great investment of men and materials we can learn how not to pollute and deface these places. Plastic has made this earth sick. 
  • Make the manufacturing companies take back the packaging materials after delivery or installation at  customers' places
  • Install automated vending machines for milk and edible oil
  • Pack not lubricants  in small sachets but directly pour them into oil tanks of vehicles
  • Insist manufacturing companies for packing eatables in tins or reusable containers and not in poly packs
  • Ban the companies that manufacture polythene packs that violate the norms 
  • Do not make people assemble in a few cities deserting all villages
  • Go for packing things which are biodegradable available and practised still in villages
  • Do not pack pesticides and manures or fertilizers in poly packs
  • Forget the concept of 'Use and Throw' and shift to 'Use and Reuse'
  • Punish the violators without leniency
  • Before you pack think about your packing bag.

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