Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pesticides are not for Pests alone

The killer disease Cancer is spreading like a rapid forest fire. As we become more and more modern the diseases too acquire new attires and attack us with more vengeance. I believe the reckless  use of  pesticides in  farming is the major cause of this disease. We read pesticides remnants are found in the water collected from the depth of 400 feet and below.

As we try to kill pests they kill us indirectly. Pesticides are sprayed on vegetable plants,fruit bearing trees and on tea and  coffee gardens. These oily substances stay their sticking on the leaves, stems and flowers. Till this second we do not have any simple  mechanism with our common populace to conduct any tests on samples and identify the pesticide  remnants in vegetables,fruits and food grains.

Unless we switch over to our traditional organic methods of farming the future for the humanity is very bleak.  

"Cancer is a disease in which the normal cells of the body begin to grow in an unregulated way. The abnormal growth of these cells leads to many health problems depending on the body part that is affected. Any cell in the body can get afflicted with cancer.

There is no certain way of knowing the type of cancer that may affect a person. While certain cancers occur more frequently in certain age groups, some cancers are related to unhealthy lifestyles (e.g. smoking, diet and insufficient exercise). Again, infections are the cause of certain types of cancers (e.g. hepatitis B is linked to liver cancers and the Human Papilloma virus is linked to cervical cancer), while some cancers can be caused due to genetic factors (some families may have a high incidence of certain cancers, such as breast or ovarian cancer).But what exactly causes cancer is still a matter of much debate.

Very few people have correct information about cancer, its prevention and treatment. This lack of complete information has hampered the spread of awareness and limited the discussion about various facets of this disease. Many cancers are completely curable and some cancers are preventable. But the positive fact is that screening for various types of cancer is available, and timely screening and detection can lead to cure in many cases."

The cells in our body grow, multiply and repair themselves continuously. There is a natural control system in our body that regulates growth in normal cells. Cancer cells cut loose from this control system and start multiplying in an unregulated manner. Additionally, these cancerous cells do not perform the normal functions cells do to help the body. These cells can damage the organ where they grow and spread to other sites.

In which part of my body can I get cancer?
Cancer can occur in any part of the body. The inherent nature of cancer is to grow and spread. Cancer cells grow faster than normal cells. Cancer may be present as an abnormal growth or lump, which is usually painless. These lumps can gradually increase in size and damage the surrounding tissues and body parts.

How does cancer spread?
When cancer cells accumulate, they form tumors. These tumors invade the surrounding structures and cause damage. Some cancers may spread to the lymph nodes. Once in the blood, the cancer can spread to the others parts of the body like the lungs, the liver, bones and the brain.

Can Cancer spread from one person to another?
No, Cancer is NOT A COMMUNICABLE disease; it does not spread from one person to another. Certain cancers may be related to heredity or genetic factors which means a person may be at higher risk of getting cancer if his/her close relatives have had that particular cancer. 

What causes Cancer? 
It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of cancer. However, there are certain risk factors that may lead to cancer, like consumption of tobacco. Nearly half of the cancers in India are due to tobacco abuse. The most common cancers caused by tobacco are - lung cancer, mouth cancer and larynx (voice box) 

Some of the most common risk factors for Cancer:

  • Tobacco use:
    • Smoking: Cigarette, Bidi, Cigar, Hukka, others
    • Smokeless: Zarda, Gutka, Khaini, Snuff, etc.
  • Alcohol
  • Infections (viruses, parasites, bacteria)
  • Diet (dietary carcinogens, excess fat)
  • Reproductive hormones
Is Cancer a preventable Disease? Yes, to a large extent. About 50% cancers are Tobacco related e.g. Lung cancer, cancer of the mouth and cancer of the trachea (Voice box). These cancers can be prevented by avoiding tobacco. 

Certain cancers like the cancers of the mouth, breast and cervix if detected early can be cured. Therefore it is important to be aware of the early warning signals and consult a health professional if symptoms occur.

Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding too much fat, eating fresh fruits, vegetables, fiber and getting exercise can also help reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast and colon cancer. 

What are the signs and symptoms of Cancer?
Common generic symptoms of cancer could be:
  • Lump or swelling that does not heal easily
  • A sore that doesn’t heal
  • Recent change in a wart/mole
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge
  • Changes in bladder or bowel habits
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness
  • Persistent difficulty in swallowing or dyspepsia (indigestion).
Can cancer be cured?

Yes, most forms of cancer can be cured if they are detected early and treated promptly. But the fact is that in India, about 70% of patients come for treatment during advanced stage of this disease (stage 4), where chances of survival are not very high. Remember: early detection means cure.

How is cancer treated?

Cancer can be treated through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. There are also certain medicines that can help to treat cancer. It is common to have combination treatments, such as surgery with radiation or chemotherapy with radiation and so forth. To decide on the best treatment for a given patient, initial testing is done to make the diagnosis and to determine the type of cancer and how far the disease has progressed. The treatment is planned based on both the type and stage of cancer. The disease’s response to the treatment is assessed from time to time. The treatment generally needs to be given over a period of time. Once the planned treatment is completed, cancer patients need regular follow-up.

What can I do to prevent cancer?

  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol
  • Eat healthy food
  • Be physically active
  • Be aware of your body so that you can detect any changes as soon as they occur
  • Keep alert for the warning signs of cancer. 

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