Saturday, November 29, 2014

Be Simple!

Image result for gandhi's spectacles

The world is spending its energy in searching for finding alternate sources of energy. Hydro,wind,tide, nuclear solar.... the search is endless. We close our  doors and windows  and switch on fans/AC machines and lights. We build high rise buildings which require to carry us to the respective floors.  Every modern invention and lifestyle competes with one another  in spending more energy. Coal is being exhausted without any goal. Water has become scarce. Our cities are crowded in such a way that we fail to find our own flats without google maps/GPS devices. To clean our houses, to cook our food, to wash our clothes, to trim our hair, to make our stomach burn a few calories .... we need machines which demand energy.  

The only area where we all fare well is only in the warfare. The improved arsenals can eliminate more men and women ; kids and the sick with more  and more precision in less and less time gaps.  This bad, mad  hunger for energy must stop. Every activity of us must see its viability without using power.

Tradition can save us 

If we can return to our  traditional ways of  shelter  constructions, a good percentage of energy can be saved. 

Preparation and consumption of traditional food varieties can help us  save energy.

Our travel travails are tragic. The transport sector swallows much of the crude products and people travel endlessly every day to their work spots. Instead of staying near their workplaces, our men stay far away  and spend their valuable life time  literally on roads.

At least in the country side we can restore  our horse carriages or small carts drawn by bulls or camels. 

Avoid building big cities.  In India recently a state has declared its intention of creating many Singapores in it. Meaning High sky-crappers handshaking with clouds. All these at the cost of  fertile green paddy fields.  This is sheer foolishness.  No country was built and had grown just because of their concrete structures. The growth must be seen in the lives of its citizens.  

Train the people to be simple

Ours is the land of Gandhism. There are still men in our nation following Gandhiji's principles. W hat is wrong with them? Our  middle class women folk are having a collection of 100 to 300 sarees and kids  too possess  in hundreds. The media cries in chorus about various products and people are tempted and buying things  even when there is no absolute necessity for them. This indulgence must stop. Unless it is absolutely essential we should not buy a new thing. continue.

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