Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Hundred Things That Need to be Done Urgently by the Hon’ble PM.

  •    Revive small scale industries across the country. (Factories can come out with products but not crafts.)
  • Extend support to all those who work and not to the people in organized sector alone
  • Let the skilled get more than the knowledged gets.
  • Encourage people who do not switch over to steel and cement built dwellings
  • Declare all post offices in rural India as ‘Postal Banks’ infusing life and no need to open new bank branches which involve big capital
  • Make public sector employees ‘partners in progress’ with small percentage of shares allotted to them
  • Create ‘hot lines’ to lodge complaints of corruption in administration at Taluk levels
  • Publish the names of the corrupt in the websites and update them on a daily basis.
  • Make formal schooling ‘optional’ for those parents’ wards whose income is above 10 lakhs per year and the ceiling can be revised every year. (They can educate their kids through open schools)
  • Bar people from taking part in ‘tenders’ for more than three times. Have a system in place to screen them scrupulously.( Nowadays the same people for generations receive the tenders.)
  • Collect more tax from satellite channels and take at least 30 minutes of their primetime or during non-primetime for propagating government programmes or campaigns with the help of DD.
  • Take 30 minutes of air time from FM broadcasters and broadcast governmental programmes.
  • Make ‘Vande Mataram’ and the ‘National Anthem’ mandatory for broadcasters. Vande mataram in the morning times and the national anthem in the evenings.
  • Reintroduce ‘State songs’ in the beginning of the programme and National Anthem at the end in all theatres.
  • Make 2 minutes of Gandhian thought mandatory every day for all broadcasters and 10 column centimeters of space in printed media every time they publish new edition. (Includes DD and AIR)
  • Give priority to people in positions who mark against the columns of caste/religion as ‘INDIAN’
  • Ban recruiting more than two people from a same family in one department.
  • Identify voluntary optees who do not want to receive free noon meal for their kids, free books, free rations or grants for gas cylinders and eliminate them from the beneficiaries’ list.
  • Go for dual pricing of fuel. For instance cars costing more than 10 or 15 lakh can attract an increased price for their fuel
  • Go for massive online banking operations and reduce the crowd in banks
  • Try to limit or place restrictions on online trading of shares. (Money must be credited or debited instantly on buying or selling from the seller/buyer accounts)
  • Increase the tax on profit earned in trading to 10% and do not tax people who pay insurance premiums
  • Railways can earn a minimum of 10,000 crores in a year if they operate their own stands for two/four wheelers.
  • Long distance travelers - travels involving more than 1000 kilo metres can be given simple ‘craft works’ on voluntary basis and certificates given to them for their work. Railways can earn some money by selling such craft items.
  • Introduce ‘Dress on demand’ at all important stations and people will be tempted to travel with less baggage. (Even now passengers use beddings issued by railways and no passenger hesitates to use them. People hire borrow woolen clothes in hill stations and comfortably the system moves on)
  • Railways can sell items of destinations connected by them. For instance Gauhati junction’s Platforms will house products from Trivandrum and in Trivandrum products available in Gauhati would be sold. (It won’t be a super market but exclusively sell items which are in demand at both the ends)
  • Identify volunteers who would act as security guards with badges/blazing over coats given to them and issue certificates signed by high officials
  • Go for massive plantation/forestation drives along the rail tracks
  • Sell the 50% of the body space of walls of stations and 90%  of  body space of coaches and goods vans and make big money to support safety measures
  • Go for electronic warfare and eliminate human casualties in conflicts
  • Use ‘robos’ in hostile climatic conditions for manning posts/borders
  •  Do not depend on the general vehicles produced by the civil sector
  • Encourage the CVRD to manufacture varied vehicles for varied              terrains for transport and troop movement
  • Vehicles used in conflict areas by defense forces must be mine-proof/bullet proof.
  • Every vehicle must have GPS navigation facility.
  • Do post highly skilled persons to manage affairs in the foreign ministry. Tough bargainers must be there for negotiations.
  • Have high profile propaganda machinery to create positive ideas about India
  • Purchase of crude must not be with crude purchase procedures and freedom must be there to choose the supplier who would dance to our tunes
  • Smaller neighboring nations can be given military protection and in return we can get goods as service charges
  • Retaliate with vengeance for every misadventure of our enemy every time.

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