Saturday, October 4, 2014

Negative Thoughts Will Hamper Growth

When Mr.Narendra Modi took office, the Holiest Newspaper ever conceived by Gods wrote that 70% of the voters had opposed him, by not voting for him. This was to imply that he should not celebrate his victory.  The notional newspaper conveniently forgot, all the elected governments of free India formed governments based on the same electoral system. No party ever got 100% approval from the voters. His immediate predecessor who ruled the country for a decade never contested an election and faced people but was elected to the parliament via the upper house. Whereas the present incumbent was continuously elected as CM of a state and even in the last elections held for the lower house he was elected from two different constituencies situated in two different states with good margins.

But nothing can change the attitude of the Holy newspaper. They expected something else so that they would get more to feed their hungry readers. It has not happened. From day one governance is on. The PM stays away from politicking and tries to take along the country men. He repeatedly stresses patriotism and wins the hearts of the audience much to the chagrin of these negative thinkers.

The most important area in which we lack is cleanliness. Everyone in the nation treats the area beyond his/her windows as dust bin. It is common knowledge. We can see heaps of garbage on the terraces/ eves of the first floor thrown by the residents of the second floor. No free plot will be left free. If there is a vacant plot in a street, it would be literally used as a garbage dump. This is common practice practiced across the length and breadth of India.
The passengers of a bus/train invariably consume peanuts and throw the peeled pods inside the vehicles. You can see people throwing out packaging materials of food items or a banana skin often on the highways. Throwing empty water bottles on the streets/roads /rail tracks is a time tested one. Similarly every shop keeper of the nation would push outside his shop all the unwanted materials on the road. The other ancient culture we follow traditionally without any violation is emptying the dirty water collected in our tea stalls on the middle of the road. The concept of painting the corners with crimson red paint with betel leaves’ or paan chewing gentlemen using the area as spittoons is a time tested one.

The other  habit of this ancient civilization is throwing the garlands that were put on a dead body on the road. This tradition is found in the southern part of India. The funeral processions are talked about here. The evenings would be a walk/ride on a flower path. The dancing revelers would throw all the garlands collected on the road and the next morning the cleaners have to sweep the entire ‘dead men’s path’. If it had rained the job would become a harrowing one for them. They have to carry out the job midst honking and speeding vehicles. But this can’t be noticed by the Holy newspaper as its always living on ivory towers.

Another noticeable habit is breaking white pumpkins on the middle of the road to ward off evils. Normally motorists would skid if stuck by the broken pieces and at times have to lose their lives too. Nowadays the modern caterers are there to cater to the needs of the eaters. They are also holy as they have made it a point to give a cup for every sip and a container for all stuff. Once the party is over the dirt would be heaped on the road sides. The stray dogs in search of any remnants would make a big mess. Apart from this the people who drink also have a habit of breaking the glass bottles against rocks or on roads. Their numbers may be minimum but not negligible.

 Once they break the bottles from the speeding car they feel elated and their spirits go up in the skies. Another practice one can observe is throwing the burning cigarette buds on highways. 
Considering all these the Honorable PM suggests a campaign to clean India. But the holy newspaper says it is the work of corporation workers. For instance the population of Kolkatta is 4.5 million and generates around 6000-7000 ton garbage.  Instead of employing and punishing hundreds of workers to clean up the mess we create, why not we desist from throwing garbage all over?

The Holy newspaper will never allow the country to grow.  It is for the people to neglect the ideas of  the ‘negative’ newspaper and start contributing their mite to the nation. 

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