Tuesday, October 21, 2014


When big people fail to deliver, it is a  big  fall. Popular people have greater responsibilities than the ordinary and unknown people like me. I do not know why these 'big' refuse to lend their  'voices' for any  good cause. For instance if I say to some one, 'Do not smoke'. Mostly it would be  ignored. But if these popular  leaders say, the mass may take it up for consideration. 

 Here,   we are a leaders-led nation. More than gods these people are revered and worshiped. Hundreds commit suicides when their leaders fall sick or get defeated in elections or for any reason that may make their leaders unhappy. The attitude here is not only  the leaders but their generations are worshiped for centuries. Some of the readers of this write-up may feel that I use the word 'worship' liberally. Not at all. In which  part of the world people commit suicides, when their leaders are suspended by a political  party. . How many in the world die like this.  But I have not come across any leader in India after Mahatma Gandhi who has asked  his party men/country men not to drink.

There are thousands of leaders in India  with 20 - 60 years of political  experience ... but not a single time they have told their party men that 'drinking or smoking is bad'. Even now they are forcing the governments to go in for total prohibition but not a word advising their party men to go for good habits. All these leaders have got scores of radio/satellite channels  and publications not even once they release any advice/suggestion during prime time. 

"Those who drink/smoke/ are corrupt/ pollute the environment can not become my party members" 
How many of these patriotic leaders would be ready to impose conditions like this?  When their party men are ready to lay down their lives for trivial reasons, why not the leaders impose their will on the willing party men - that too for a good cause which will help them and their families. None has done this so far. 

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