Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why waste minimization is important.

Every year, Indians send around 40 crore tonnes of waste to landfill that is over a ton of rubbish per household. 99.9 % of this waste is not reprocessed or recycled, and doesn’t break down over time.
Disposing of waste at landfills is a sign that we’re not using our resources efficiently, and are contributing directly to pollution.
To improve the environmental future of our nation, we need to start taking responsibility for the waste we produce by finding more effective and efficient ways to reduce, reuse, recycle or reprocess it. We need an Act to encourage waste minimization and decrease waste disposal. There are, and always will be, challenges in better managing waste but if we are all committed to the cause the effect would be phenomenal. Start bringing less packaging material in and automatically the waste out go will decrease. 
Gone are the days when you got your food on a banana leaf. Today every grain of food item/eatable is packed in polythene-even the Side dishes (curry/sambar) and both the bins are full   after a square meal (the stomach and the dustbin). Let us think before wee litter.

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