Monday, October 22, 2012


As u listen to the music…

Get drunk by the splendor of melody,

Drink the same red wine of your Keats  and Words Worth

Walk on the grass, holding the glass,

Enter the caves men ever entered,

Stop the waves from making any blast, lest your lover lose her sweet dreams,

Climb on the cliffs, to witness the valleys profound in beauty,

Fly with the stars to far-flung lands,

Clutch the moon to gift your lone sweet heart,

Get drunk full by the beauty of the vales,

Go with the clouds to slake the thirst of distant lands,

Let the gentle breeze freeze your craze,

Cut your worries, if any, with the shining sun’s sharp rays,

Let the cuckoo long for your song,

Ask the peacocks dance to your tunes,

Stop the waves from making any noise, lest your lover lose her endearing dreams

Let not the world carry your saddle,

Carry the world as a bird carries its fluff,

Don’t long for any golden gifts

When the all full world is under your feet and before your eyes,

Listen to the melody, my dear friend…


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