Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As a  small child I'd be running around my village with a  tiny hand held fan made of  palm leaves. The leaves would rotate fast depending upon my speed of running and the wind velocity. Today  the world  is with the technology that can produce electricity reaping the winds. In other words man has learnt the art of making money even from the winds. Advantages in having turbines that run  on wind current:
They are  clean and green ,renewable, cheap  and the land can be used for cultivation. 

An energy crisis forced Denmark to start investing in renewable energy, particularly wind turbines. With grand scale financial backing from the state, Denmark´s wind turbine industry grew rapidly and the production of turbines as well as wind power soon became a major export for the country.Today the Danish wind turbine industry, led by Vestas and Siemens Denmark, is the world´s biggest and the industry employs around 25,000 people.
Wind turbine cooperatives
Apart from financial backing of the wind industry, another state initiative that helped wind power on its way was a tax exemption for families who generate their own electricity. This led to the wind turbine cooperatives of which the first were founded in the eighties. Families bought shares in the cooperatives, who in turn invested in community wind turbines. By 1996 there were more than 2,000 wind turbine cooperatives in Denmark and in 2004 more than 150,000 Danish families belonged to a cooperative. However, in recent years many cooperatives have been closed due to the inefficiency of small wind turbines compared to larger ones.
In India Tamilnadu and Gujarat are front runners in garnering the clean energy.But wind energy is seasonal and in off seasons the fans don't rotate and the energy generation reaches a mere zero making the dependents think twice before investing in this clean energy. Of course different wind zones serving different regions may be clubbed together with the main grid and the problems minimised.

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