Sunday, October 28, 2012

Clean Fleets for a Cleaner World

Cars, trucks and other road transport vehicles, while essential for commercial and humanitarian work, exert a considerable adverse impact on the environment. Estimates are that road vehicles consume more than a third of the world’s supply of petroleum and contribute nearly one-fifth of global carbon dioxide emissions. These vehicles are also a significant source of air pollution which can adversely affect human health and the environment. In urban areas, about 70 per cent of air pollution comes from road vehicles.

Public, private and non-governmental organizations use vehicle fleets in their work. Adopting clean fleet management programmes helps them contribute to alleviating the harmful impacts of road transport.
In collaboration with TNT, UNEP’s partnership to help build capacity for clean fleet management developed the "Toolkit for Clean Fleet Strategy Development" to support fleet managers in cleaning up their vehicle pools. In November 2006, TNT Turkey used the toolkit to help it design a clean fleet strategy. Its goal was to cut carbon emissions by six per cent by 2011. By early 2008, it had already surpassed its goal, even though it had increased its fleet from 262 vehicles to 313. Some 80 drivers have been trained in environmentally friendly safe driving techniques while 122 vehicles (or 41 per cent of the fleet) have been replaced with cleaner models, including hybrid electric vehicles. Monthly carbon dioxide emissions have dropped by 15 per cent, and fuel consumption by 16 per cent, resulting in savings of 100,000 euros in 15 months. The toolkit has helped organizations, ZOOM especially in emerging economies, to develop and adopt clean fleet programs.


More than 500 people from 200 public, private and non-governmental organizations in 57 countries have been trained on the use of the toolkit. Some of the participants, and the strategic partners, have also been trained as trainers. A number of organizations, including Sinar and Hiba Utama in Indonesia, Maynilad and Meralco in the Philippines and TNT in Turkey, have developed plans to clean up their fleets. In November 2006, TNT Turkey used the toolkit to help it design a clean fleet strategy. Its goal was to cut carbon emissions by six per cent by 2011. By early 2008, it had already surpassed its goal, even though it had increased its fleet from 262 vehicles to 313. Some 80 drivers have been trained in environmentally friendly safe driving techniques while 122 vehicles (or 41 per cent of the fleet) have been replaced with cleaner models, including hybrid electric vehicles. Monthly carbon dioxide emissions have dropped by 15 per cent, and fuel consumption by 16 per cent, resulting in savings of 100,000 euros in 15 months.

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