Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Buddh International – 5.125 kilometres. Race distance - 60 laps  = 307.249 kilometres. 16 corners in total. Average speed 210 km/h. A new circuit hosting a Grand Prix for the second time.
Aerodynamic set up – High downforce. Top speed 323 km/h (with DRS open) 310 km/h without.
Full throttle – 70% of the lap time. Total fuel needed for race distance – 161.6 kilos (high). Fuel consumption – 2.65 kg per lap (ave).
Brake wear - average.
Loss time for a Pit stop = 16 seconds

Total time needed for a pit stop: 21 seconds 
Fuel effect (cost in lap time per 10kg of fuel carried): 0.35 seconds (ave/high)

Forget the cost, what about the loss to the environment due to the Co2 release? In the name of sport should we kill this earth?   

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