Sunday, December 1, 2013



Every man thinks he is too times bigger than the world. But he refuses to admit that his actions -however small they may be- are harming this earth. A simple plastic bag thrown into a river or a lake or cutting of a tree that gives shade and actions like that come under this. This is really ironic; he thinks he is  big but his deeds are only small. Every atom of this planet has got its own composition and structure. Any movement of any of its particles would affect the atom and its environs. The thinking we are alone is wrong. Together only we live. This includes the living and the so -called non-living. Philosophically speaking 'nothing is alive and nothing is dead' and 'nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed'. The so called 'creation' of us is a mere illusion and the 'destruction' again an illusion. The man's  journey is for a period of 100 years only means it is a highly negligible and insignificant time in the clock of Geology. In this small fleeting time only he thinks of growing and is unaware that there can be growth for a vegetable or a fruit cut off from its mother plant or a tree. The fruit of labor is an infant  and than on wards there is only decay and man feels of growing tall and taller.

The above idea is not to discourage people or demoralize them to work and live happy and prosperous. He has to realize that in reality life is a rarity and so it has to be lived in its entirety. He has to recognize the  right of living is  for all, including the earth that does n't speak. But this man goes on inventing gods everyday and fights in the name of saving gods. He says gods are powerful but takes up arms and bombs to protect  his gods and his abodes built by engineers.  Billions died in the process of saving gods and their dignity. Since time immemorial billions of people lost their lives who attempted to save their gods from the onsalught of man.

Earlier we thought that gods are living above us in the sky. Today Man has sent man missions to moon and to Mars. This is time that man forgets gods and think of his fellow humans. Even if you assume gods live in form less forms and invisible to man's eyes he has to learn the art of being kind. People  are  kind but with their family members only. The world spends much and tests much on weapons. 

The biggest enemy of mankind today is ' hatred' for one another. The world can be won by all of us with only one weapon and that is the weapon of 'love' and 'love' alone. 

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