Friday, December 6, 2013


Today man is dependent on electricity to heat or  cool his dwelling place, food, to run his vehicles , to run factories and so on. No city can move without electricity.  By nature the nature gifts us with plenty the things we need in plenty. The air, water, land and light. All the four elements are available in plenty still. What has happened is the reckless misuse of these abundant sources has destroyed then beyond recognition. O.K

Brooding over lost battles won't help us win further battles. Today we need energy to energize us and our  machines. The easiest source is to get it from nature without hurting nature. Yes, our hydro-power stations do that. But they are too meagre in quantity. From tides we can. It is too cumbersome at present. From the land we can get coal. We do get. But they are fast depleting and are not found everywhere around the world. Hence scarce.

The only bright option is to get energy from the sun. Soon we will have panels of palm size that would match the energy needs of our households. And bigger ones to meet bigger demands. The need of the hour is to go for searches and researches repeatedly to tap the sunlight. Yes. We do get power from the sun. The aim must be to reduce the cost of  solar power drastically.  IF THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY. HOPE IS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR ANY AILMENT. 

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