Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Solar energy is clean and green. But are we all getting uninterrupted sun light? No. Too many complications and too many demands. It is our habit to borrow from our neighbors. Isn't it? Our planetary neighbor is the moon. Then there is this option of channelizing the solar energy that the moon receives through the solar panels and send them to earth in microwave forms. We need only receivers across the world and they won't require much space as the conventional panels do. The moon gets plenty of sunlight but for the occasional lunar eclipse time. 

The Lunar-Solar project is the answer for our future energy needs. But if man is wise enough to reduce his  power needs, there is no need to hunt in the next planet. In airports everything is automated and man is not ready to walk for a few metres and he demands  a walkalator and needs an elevator or escalator for a few steps of flight. To boil or to cool any material he depends on this power.

But still if man is ready to think and cooperate there is no need for more power. As of now he doesn't seem to be interested in reducing the power consumption.

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