Thursday, December 12, 2013

Systems are there to Sustain our Customs.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
William Shakespeare
"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
John Milton
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."  Jean-Jacques Rousseau
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F Kennedy
"Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."
Abraham Lincoln
Dear Friends,
I MAY BE WRONG AS YET ANOTHER HUMAN. But am I not right in telling you all,  that no social net working site was responsible for the spread of the above ever green messages. In fact many in those days were not even aware of the word 'science', leave alone computers and internet and social net working sites. Because great men's great messages can reach the 'unreached'  without any media help or hype. They get sown in the minds and hearts of people for posterity and need not be digitized and stored to retrieve at will.

Today billions of users of these online groups are there. They spend hours chatting and exchanging bytes and bits. My question is out these billions of these daily users of these sites who spend kilowatts of energy ( which can be utilized otherwise)  can they cite a single message that stands the test of time. All about burgers and coke about pizzas and KFC's. 
In India too a few politicians are proud that they are having a million plus followers in their twitter or facebook accounts. Good. What is their message so far? What have they done for the society? Just sharing of the places they visited and a mention of the  toilet soap they used won't help the humanity.     
But for the ARAB SPRING credited to these sites no significant achievement has been visible word wide.  I appeal to all these users of these networks who abuse the 'energy' and thus harming the earth, to sparingly use the systems for useless gossips.  Power has to reach the powerless. The earth can't afford our carbon attack. When you open your mouth or systems  let it be for the welfare of our fellowmen. 

More to prove 'systems' existed before the arrival of 'systems' to sustain our 'custom'
If speak you will, speak words that fruit afford, 
If speak you will, speak never fruitless word.

"Like scentless flower in blooming garland bound 
Are men who can't their lore acquired to other's ears expound."

Diffusive speech of useless words proclaims 
A man who never righteous wisdom gains.

Unmeaning, worthless words, said to the multitude, 
To none delight afford, and sever men from good.

Gone are both fame and boasted excellence, 
When men of worth speak of words devoid of sense.

Who makes display of idle words' inanity, 
Call him not man, -chaff of humanity!.

The wise who weigh the worth of every utterance, 
Speak none but words of deep significance.


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