Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Twin Towers of Chennai

Gandhiji said India lives in villages. Today India leaves villages. The main reason for the greed is the unprecedented housing costs escalation which fetches quick and easy money to builders of residential and commercial properties. Builders want maximum apartments in minimum space.  The lop sided growth story of a struggling India is a telling picture how 'growth' should not be. For instance all the major car companies of the world are in Chennai with their manufacturing facilities. If the same were distributed in the other major port cities across the country, the pressure on land and its resources would have come down. For instance Tuticourin in Tamilnadu is a vibrant port and which has abundant lands and human resources aplenty but with no big industry. Hence the people  living around the port town migrate to Chennai in large numbers. Similarly the victims are from Orissa and Andhra Pradesh which too have major ports.  This is just one sample. How after destroying nations and cultures ( read villages) we build mega cities.  Every Indian metro city is with  more population than a continental Australia.  

I hope  the planners want all the assets and resources in one geographical area. After making them assemble in one area the planners will go for sky high buildings, tunnel roads, rails and air/space ports. 

Rescuers search through several layers of rubble after Chennai collapse - 1 July
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