Saturday, July 12, 2014

How to Kill this Earth?

The small question is not a big question for the humanity. He does what is to be done to destroy this earth since the industrial revolution. Till then the life of man was in harmony with nature. Then came the machines spitting materials and the man's lust to possess what ever he sees. In the early days forts were there and some lived in comforts. Today forts are not there but seeking pleasures at every opportunity, in every moment, in every act with every one has become his forte. Then he was a seeker of the 'Precious' but today a  pleasure seeker'. 



The food he swallows is for his stomach. But the food prepared today has got as many variety as the  tongue buds he has. A minimum of 100 ingredients are added in different varieties of dishes for a dinner. All of these spices are prepared in factories requiring electricity and packed in unsafe packing materials. The material is safe for man's consumption but the pack is not safe  for the earth. He uses much gas and other fuels for the preparation of these dishes and thus spends more energy.
This does not mean that man has to starve and die. But searching for the ultimate taste in every meal will scorch this earth. Millions in the world still take simple food and they live longer than the people who take a variety of food items ( the rich/elite) . Their food stuff is either rice/corn flour/wheat flour. Salt is the only other ingredient they add. Just water is enough to add spice. 
None wants the middle class and the elite to return to primitive days or be frugal. But  they can be economical and a little more prudent.


Again from cotton to synthetic and all non bio degradable materials.  In the context of India I've seen thousands who would have just two set of dresses . One on the body and the other on the liner. Today separate rooms are there to house these dresses. Almost all of us are not in a position to identify our own shirts/pants when asked for an 'identification check' in a dry cleaners' shop. Many dresses remain unworn and deep inside the wardrobes. In case of women the case is still more horrible and a typical  middle class women is in possession of at least 200 sets of dresses. 

The case of children is still more attractive as parents make it a point to shop at every outing. Many don't return to their homes every day without any purchase. They feel they have got an obligation to buy these dresses from the vendors. 

Here comes the big division of haves and the have not's. The able'd  builds structures for his future generations and not for him. Just as Akbar or Jahangir every Indian makes it a point to erect  a structure that stands after his departure. None thinks of it as a place of shelter but an edifice of prestige. House is a status symbol. The bigger the size-the bigger their respect they command. Every gulf worker from India  builds a concrete structure in his native village on his return and returns to his earlier work and continues to suffer. 

We live for others. Dresses are not only worn for the protection they give for us from the heat/cold but to attract others' attention and take laurels. The media even yesterday quoted about the dress the Finance Minister was wearing during his budget presentation. The budget is about the fate of around 1300 million peoples lives. In what way the jacket he wears matters? Night is for sleep and to take rest. Every other living being does so but for the nocturnal animals and birds. But we are awake in night and use lights. It is o.k. we stay awake up to 11 p.m. But millions stay awake during nights attending parties and sleep during the day. Leave the workers who have to toil in nights.

Almost every act of us is going against nature. Hence we need not invent or discover any new arms to kill this earth. The human arms and his minds are already on the job.

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