Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hearts with Holes


Our Language and  Literature is with stories of tears and blood
Shells and missiles demolish our schools
The kids who were afraid of rains are rained with bombs
That fill the classes with rivers of blood.

The History of man is replete with treachery and
The Geography happens to be the critical Subject
with imaginary  borders drawn and redrawn,
Science succeeds in breaking man's conscience,
with unfailing regularity,
Mathematics  teaches him to count the dead and
the Economics with Statistics of the rising and falling economies,

The Chemistry's contribution is not far behind and it competes
tough  with  Physics in inventing more methods to kill men,

Biology is not to be left behind with bio-weapons
on the anvil...

Our Religious studies are the prime crime subjects
as they send men to martyrdom and to God's kingdom

Our Botany is with GM crops and is on the way
to add 'food' on the arms list.

Computer studies  calculate with precision the distance
and speed and help hit the target without any vacilation

The Psychology teaches to suspect everyone and
the Politics ensures no ethics ever practised...

Long live our modern studies!

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