Friday, July 18, 2014

Crimes galore!

It seems there is no end to the tragedies. They keep unfolding every second. Also it seems individuals and nations compete with to gain the 'notoriety' spot. Conflicts of inter community, inter- faith or inter- state and across states go unabated. Guns don't go silent but they make many a men go. Meek voice is not heard and the might has become right. Suspicion and mistrust grow fast, thick and steady with waters of hatred poured incessantly. Weapons of varied types are tested for their efficiency. Scientists are in labs  in the pursuit of  discovering  more lethal weapons. Death is not to be hated as none can escape it ; but the way it is brought upon the  innocent. 

Ukraine rebels pledge truce for jet recovery

Separatists promise to cease fire for two to four days after Malaysian plane exploded in suspected missile strike.

Pro-Russian separatists have promised to cease fire for two to four days in eastern Ukraine to allow recovery work at the site of a downed Malaysian airliner, Russia's RIA news agency quoted a rebel leader as saying.
Ukraine, whose investigators have so far had no access to the area, has called for an international probe to determine who attacked the plane and insisted it was not its military. US intelligence authorities said a surface-to-air missile downed the plane, but could not say who fired it.
The rebels, who have risen up against Kiev's rule, will give unhampered access to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Ukrainian detectives, Andrei Purgin, a senior leader of the self-declared Donetsk People's Republic, said on Friday.
The announcement came as Ukraine closed the airspace over eastern regions where it is carrying out a security operation against separatists, the country's infrastructure ministry said a day after 298 people died in the plane crash near the Russian border.
The ministry said on its website that the airspace was completely closed over the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions where fighting has been raging and also partially prohibited flights above the neighbouring Kharkiv region.

Russian airlines have also limited their flights to Ukraine after the incident.
Also on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a phone call with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, called for a "thorough and unbiased" investigation into the crash.
"The head of the Russian state underlined that the tragedy yet again highlighted the need for the swiftest peaceful solution to the acute crisis in Ukraine," the Kremlin said in a statement.
Despite the shooting down of several Ukrainian military aircraft in the area in recent months, including two this week, and renewed accusations from Kiev that Russian forces were taking a direct part, international air lanes had remained open.
Both sides in the conflict have accused each other of shooting down the Malaysian airlines jetliner.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said it would be an outrage against human decency if the plane was found to have been shot down.

Should this be confirmed, it will contravene international law and be an outrage against human decency," Liow told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.
He said also that Malaysia welcomed the call for an independent investigation into the disaster.

Flight MH17 'shot down' over Ukraine

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