Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why only Ganga?


It is a river of 2525 kilometers sustaining 400 million people. The literate and the illiterate; the educated and the elite; the religious and the irreligious  have got their own ways of polluting the river. The industries and factories too contribute their mite and these things go on for centuries. Expecting  a sea change in  matter of months is just a dream.

Till this minute the propaganda team is not doing what it has to do. All agencies involved are working with their own plans and targets. The easiest way is to take the help of the Sadhus/
sanyasis or the people who matter in religious matters and propagate the need to keep the river sacred and the ways to do so.

But for their cooperation the lofty aim is going to remain a pipe dream. We have to note that the majority who have not voted i.e., 69% openly asking the need/necessity  to keep the country clean. The magazines which are against the PM keep reminding their readers that this government has got the support of only 31%. And the holiest newspaper tells through its intelligent readers  'It is the work of corporation workers'.  And the media in India can not come out of Politics and Cinema. Some people with clean hearts ask the PM to clean up the dirt in his mind before entering  the Ganga Cleaning programme or Clean India. 

With all these handicaps/conditions  put forward by the hardcore patriots of different nations  and many more how are we going to accomplish the task in mere months? 

Also the government has to go for propagating the need to keep all our water bodies clean, including  rivers , ponds,lakes  and oceans as some people have already started talking of 'communal rivers'. 

Right to pollute.

We strongly believe that we have got a Right to Pollute. There are millions who may ask to make this as their right. But for my flat or house the entire earth is a garbage dumb yard. Unless we change our attitude our altitude is going to remain the same.

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