Wednesday, January 28, 2015

6000 Donkeys and 2 Cars!

Image result for donkey

Yes, it is a fact. Lamu, off the coast of Kenya has 6000 donkeys for its population of 24000. The Republic of San Marino has got 1263 motor vehicles per 1000 population. While Lamu is close to nature and Marino  chooses to be away from nature.

Though still we use animals for transporting goods and passengers across the world, civilizations have moved far away from bullock carts/horse drawn carriages/ camel caravans/ donkey squads resulting in considerable damage to our environs.  Our city roads are flooded with mechanized vehicles which compete for space.  The suggestion is to retain the bovine breeds' creed for our benefit. 

We humans use the term 'derogatory' and 'abusive', donkeys are the closest to the humans helping them survive for generations. They are silent and hardworking. Their cousins (horses) who do not do much work are raised and praised for their height, beauty and courage. Every dull fellow in the world has been called as donkey' and every donkey in the world is  ill treated. 

Watch the donkeys in action at:

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